Melissa Weiss Steele's Blog

February 21, 2011

Melissa Weiss Steele’s Oracle of Initiation Events in San Diego March 2011

Hello San Diego! I have returned from the desert and am back to share the gifts of New Mexico’s magical inspirations. I have 3 events here in San Diego the first week of March, and have limited spaces for soul purpose readings that week. Two of the events are at Controversial Bookstore and one is at Chris Brittian’s The Art of You Expressive Arts Studio.

I am thrilled to share my new understanding of my Oracle of Initiation deck with you through what I have learned writing the extended book to accompany the 88 limited edition copies. The book is due out in April before I am off to Central America on a Medicine Walk for 5 months. There a few copies left if you want one of these fierce sacred tools.

Sunday March 6th at  4pm Pacific time I will be interviewed on the influential Beyond Worlds Tarot Tribe radio show. It will be archived if you want to listen at a later date. My website also has a ton of juicy articles about my The Oracle deck, my ritualistic photography work, solo adventures and spiritual transformation and will soon have  new videos of the Painted Body work.

I look forward to supporting you shape-shift and redefine all of the intense turbulence we have been experience to claim our unique brilliance. E-mail me if you have any question, and come play with me and the startling Painted Body Spirit Beings in the deck at any of these events.

Art & The Oracle- Explore Creative Shape-Shifting with Melissa Weiss Steele & The Oracle of Initiation.

Tuesday March 1st, 2011 6-9pm  $50. All supplies included

Come explore the powerful insights available through using art, imagination and divination. We will be working with the Painted Body ritualistic photography images within Melissa’s original Oracle of Initiation deck to creatively dance with the many energies, inspirations and potentials we each carry when we access the full range of our fierce, shape-shifting abilities.

@ The Art of You Expressive Arts Studio

3060 Adams Ave, San Diego, CA 92116

Shape-Shift your Destiny in 2011 with The Oracle of Initiation

1.Introductory Lecture Thursday March 3rd 7-9pm $25.

2.Workshop Saturday March 5th 1-5pm $60.

@ Controversial Bookstore

3063 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92104

We each have the powerful ability to choose how we respond to these challenging times. Turbulence becomes a gift when we learn how to navigate and harness the fierce and fluid transformational energies currently available.  The Oracle of Initiation divination deck by Melissa Weiss Steele is a magical and inspiring tool, illuminating the dynamic opportunities available through shape-shifting your own shadows and complexities.

Learn how The Oracle can reveal where you are currently at in your own process of awakening; how to redefine previous struggles as the keys to your unique offerings; and where to focus your passions to bring forth these precious gifts to the collective.

Beyond Worlds-Your Tarot Tribe Radio Show

hosted by Donnaleigh de LaRose

Sunday March 6th 2011 7pm Eastern 4pm Pacific

Melissa will be interviewed about the creation of The Oracle if Initiation deck and share how to use this visionary new tool over the air. Host Donaleigh was inspired to created a video about using the Oracle of Initiation:

On an Adventure!

Melissa will be leaving the country for 5 months in April 2011 on a personal Medicine Walk. Limited edition decks will still be available {until sold out}, and a selection of certain fine art prints. She will be scheduling readings and Spiritual Initiation Counseling work when she returns in September 2011. There may be a delay in answering inquiries depending on her internet access. When Spirit calls, we may not answer e-mails!


January 16, 2011

Albuquerque Tarot Meet-Up with The Oracle of Initiation

59. Expansion from The Oracle of Initiation deck by Melissa Weiss Steele


“This was by far the most inspirational meet-up ever! Melissa, and the images of her Oracle of Initiation deck, evoke the deepest part of your psyche in layers that allow you to become one with your feelings. Her presentations have you hanging on every word and shaking your head in agreement as you come to realize THIS is your place in life. Thank you, Melissa, Asher & Wisdom Moon for the insights presented on a power-filled afternoon!”

Gloria Vinskey, Albuqurque Tarot Meet-Up


“Fabulous! I never thought I might come across another deck and love the purity of it, as I do James Wanless’s Voyager. However, Spunky clear hearted and visionary Melissa and her Oracle of Initiation deck have won me over.”

Early Gardner, Albuquerque Tarot Meet-up


We had a wonderful day divining with The Oracle of Initiation yesterday at the Albuquerque Tarot Meet-Up. I got see some familiar faces from LETS-Land of Enchantment Tarot Symposium held last October in Santa Fe and some new friends as well. This was the last presentation I will be doing on the land of The Oracle’s emergence before I am off to the Ocean and Central America.

During the event we got to consult The Oracle’s wisdom about  what our true happiness is as a way to center and focus our intentions and dreams. We also examined what outdated stories we are carrying offers us access to our Rainbows in the Dark, the potential to reframe the initiations we have encountered to find our true power and gifts.  Thank you to Margaret & Robert for organizing the group, and Amy & Meekah for being fabulous Guardians while I offered my sacred work. life is good.

27. Gathering; 46. Reliance; 3 Instinct from The Oracle of Initiation

December 6, 2010

LETS-Land of Enchantment Tarot Symposium VIDEO of The Birth of The Oracle of Initiation

My Oracle of Initiation LETS presentation with the image "Sanctified"

I want to share the wonderful video Carrie Paris and I created today from my presentation for LETS- Land of Enchantment Tarot Symposium that was here in Santa Fe this October. Below is also an update about The Oracle and my travels, projects and upcoming adventures. Life is good.

LETS-Land of Enchantment Tarot Symposium VIDEO of the Oracle of Initiation’s Birth {use either headphones or plug into external speakers…the audio is low}

Carrie Paris Tarot Goddess and co-organizer of LETS

I want to share some wonderful new videos about The Oracle of Initiation deck and keep you up to date about my travels. I will be leaving Santa Fe at the end of January 2011 to go to the west coast to teach and divine and then will be off to Central America for 5 months to learn Spanish. I am currently finishing the book to go with the Oracle deck and look forward to telling you more about that project and the wonderful contributors I have gathered. The deck is a vast and Mysterious creation that has called forth a variety of voices to help illuminate its potentials.

Lisa with one of her De St. Croix Tarot images

Tonight on the Sagittarius New Moon I was doing my manifesting through Beatrex Quntanna’s incredible 2010 Moon Book { to order your 2011 copy:} She and Susan Lennox have created a workbook to utilize the moons incredible power to co-create the destiny we desire. The reason I am bringing this up is because there has been some really interesting synchronicities with this moon’s symbolism and my stepping out into videos offerings.

The ladies goofin' it up

Today Carrie Paris, local Tarot Goddess and I recorded my presentation for the LETS-Land of Enchantment Tarot Symposium conference that happened in October. The initial talk had technical difficulties and did not work. Part of the LETS conference’s magic was the potential to see the main presentations online, from anywhere in the world. Carrie and I tried to record my talk again, and the sound was silenced. So today, our 3rd try, we recorded a great presentation on the birth of my Oracle deck, and the sound is low on some computers. Hmmmmm. here is the link again….

LETS-Land of Enchantment Tarot Symposium VIDEO of the Oracle of Initiation’s Birth {use either headphones or plug into external speakers…the audio is low}

Jordan Hoggard with his soon to be available Land of Mystereum Tarot Deck- The Death Card

So I am reading about the Sagittarius New Moon in Beatrex’s book and the manifestation Goddess featured is Saraswati. The description speaks of her as “fusing our personality with the light of our divinity…When this fusion occurs, the Law of Sound is made available and we have the ability to manifest our vision through the resonance of our voice!!!!!”  So….it gets better…As Carrie and I created the altar backdrop for the LETS video today we PUT HER SCULPTURE OF SARASWATI BEHIND ME!!!!!

So, it is interesting that my video is muffled at times. Hmmmmm. Still sitting with what this may mean.

Tarot Maven Mary K. Greer with my Oracle deck

It really is a cool video, I am proud of it, and the images that accompany the fascinating story are gorgeous. Some of my early inspirations are really interesting. It is a 55 minute investment, but watch it instead of a TV show or reading something else. It really is a gift to see how another has enlivened her life and stepped into her unique passions and joys. Inspiration feeds the soul.








Co-organizer Margaret Letzkus on her sacred geometry presentation


I have also included a couple of animoto videos of my earlier work. Good stuff.

Earthen Body Series








Eagle Eye Graffiti-Earthen Body Series

Weiss Steele Early Art Work








Fire Horse collage

Donnaleigh de LaRose created this wonderful video using the Oracle deck. I will be on her Beyond Worlds Tarot Tribe radio show March 6th 2011. Cool.

January 15th 2011 I will be speaking to the wonderful Albuquerque Tarot Meet-up…come play with one of the limited edition decks if you are in the area. We will have both juicy depth and raucous fun. That’s a good combo.

Sifu is so cooollll

So happy holiday, and if you want a reading in-person in Santa Fe, you will need to catch me before mid January. I can always do work over the phone as well.  I am seeing a lot of lineage coding coming up in people to be released and have had wonderful success with other clients in transforming those old messages and constrictions that were never truly ours. Break free from the agony of the illusions of isolation, shame and worthlessness. They are NOT TRUE YOURS.

There are also copies of the first edition of 88 signed copies of my Oracle deck on the website..go get your today to help read the landmarks, challenges and gifts along your glorious journey of awakening.

Jordan, Marianna & I

So here’s to the intensity, the turbulence, and the great beauty of this Grand Initiation we are all undertaking. I will see you all dancing under the stars as we embody our true brilliance and divinity, together…MelissaBee

Pegasus collage by moi

June 16, 2010

Initiating The Oracle on the land of it’s Emergence: Santa Fe Tarot Meet-Up

What an incredible evening. The Oracle of Initiation and I were blessed to be invited by Divining Goddess Carrie Paris to present the deck to the Santa Fe Tarot Meet-up group. This was the largest group I have shared The Oracle with, and everyone got to play with a deck. It was such a powerful experience to be able to spin the tale of its birth on the land of its creation. Thank you to the entire Santa Fe Tarot Tribe for supporting my sacred work.

Thank you Brittany Parise for these fabulous photographs, you are such a gift…

Mille Grazie for work I love. Kwahu Abeja

Caterina (Carrie) Paris


“Melissa Weiss Steel transported our group to Higher Ground through her life changing narrative of how and why she was guided to create her amazing deck, The Oracle of Initiation. Using her deck’s navigational ‘gates’, Melissa took us through a reading that initiated a deeper relationship with our divine origins and the Earth mission designed therein. And if that wasn’t enough, Melissa generously raffled one of her exquisite decks to our tribe. How fortunate where we who attended this most beautiful offering?! Thank you Goddess Melissa!”

Brittany Parise

“The heart vibration of the entire room was…pulsing. The deck is fabulous and Melissa is a true Oracle…the best I’ve ever seen! Thank you!”

Tami Moore

“Melissa and her beautiful deck was an incredible experience and still is effecting me hours later. Thank you Carrie for being so gracious a host and thank you Melissa for sharing yourself in such a deep way. Xo”

Lisa de St. Croix

“Melissa was awesome – spirited, knowledgeable and interesting. Love her beautiful deck.”

April 1, 2010

Tribal Transformations in Joshua Tree-Couples Painted Body Ritualistic Photography

What an incredible journey this has been. The last month in California has yielded more connections, joys, abundance, satisfaction and fulfillment than I can express with words. This maiden voyage with my Oracle of Initiation deck has shown me a depth of community making  that I have anticipated for years. Some of us feel the winds of change long before they are to arrive on the earth-plane. This has been true for me, and I have made myself a little crazy at times wanting visions to land long before they were truly ready to manifest. 2010 is the year for many of us to actually step into our embodied power in a visible and potent way.

If you have read this blog before, you know my work is about reclaiming our unique inner brilliance. In my journey into self, I was taken through an incredible process of spiritual awakening after the death of my husband 8 years ago. Part of that transformational process was discovering my Painted Body ritualistic photography on the land. The Painted Body series completely transformed my relationship to trust, surrender, faith, guidance, co-creation and magic.

I became the earth again, I danced in the ancient ways, I became other and revealed the multi-dimensionality of who we all truly are. There is something that happens when you follow your instincts, humbly open to the process, and step into an altar-ed state of engagement. And it is an engagement, with the earth, the spirits, your senses, your physicality; the realms between the worlds; your multifaceted self;  your sensuality, power and passion; your fear, resistance and anxiety; your faith, curiosity and resilience. You are revealed and tested, exposed and expanded when you offer yourself up to the unknown.

I am a steward, a guide, an ally on this path of sacred surrender and emergence. I have apprenticed to the surrender myself, and now I step into offering it to those called to this level of work. Not everyone will be drawn to this process, but for those of you who are, this may be one of the things you have always been waiting for. That was true for me. The level of intensity mixed with Holy Play fed my inner ritualist in ways nothing else has.

Until 3 days ago, I had only experienced the Painted Body process with another  once. {This process is never done alone, you just may not see the participants with your earthy eyes}. You may see photos from that first collaborative shoot with Trevahr here:

Now, nearly a year later, I have been blessed with creative consorts once again. Lisa Starr is a sister of my heart. We became family on the Yraceburu EarthWisdom Hopi Pilgrimage 4 years ago in Arizona. She is a sacred drum maker, ceremonialist, and powerful carrier of fire mixed with water. She has created a beautiful and sacred retreat center in Vista {San Diego}, California called Elder Palms Sanctuary. She hosts spiritual,creative and transformational events, and you can learn more about offering your next event at her space on Facebook  under its name and at:

Her partner Gabriel is a magic man, a musician, a powerful sacred adornment creator, a Dragon Boxx drum maker, and a visionary. They carry a love, respect and partnership that many of us are still seeking. We have wanted to collaborate in this way for nearly a year, and Joshua Tree called us this week.  I am honored and awed to witness their own powerful process. Blessed bee and profound gratitude for work I love…and contact me if you would like to know more about participating in this process yourself or with your partner.

"Opening" Oracle of Initiation divination Deck by Melissa Weiss Steele

Also..I have another event here in San Diego if you would like to hear more about the creation of my Oracle of Initiation divination deck and play with a premier printing of the limited edition deck. It is tomorrow night, April 2nd, at Controversial Bookstore 7-9 pm. $30.00 You may also purchase one of the 88 limited edition decks at my web site:

March 28, 2010

ONLY Three Days Left for Oracle of Initiation Divination Readings and Events in San Diego

Filed under: Divination, Melissa Weiss Steele, Oracle of Initiation, Workshops — Mellissae Lucia @ 7:42 pm

Ocean play, it dripped salty sand in my mouth

Juicy offerings for my last three days in San Diego

I have met the most amazing people on this trip-YOU. You have been open, honorable, embracing your paths, and really excited about how you can step into your awakening more powerfully. Your hearts shine so clearly; our exchanges are why I do this work. Thank YOU.

Many beautiful seeds have been planted on this trip, and I plan on returning here once or twice a year to do workshops and Oracle readings with the deck. I also do intuitive readings and Spiritual Counseling over the phone, and have package deals to retain the special rates below. Also tell your friends next time I am in town if you appreciated the experience we shared.

Thursday April 1st through Saturday the 3rd will be the last days I am available for individual readings and obtaining a deck at the special rate of $88.88. Schedule now because the  appointments are filling up. 206-898-3822. See below for a more thorough explanation of the type of readings I do…

another Oracle event hosted by GG in her abundant and welcoming home-thanks again!


I have one more public event at the wonderful Controversial bookstore Friday evening April 2nd from 7-9 pm. It will be a hands-on divinatory workshop with the story of the deck and short individual psychic readings within the group for each person. See below for more information…


I am offering SPECIAL RATES on individual divination readings and obtaining one of the yummy 88 Limited edition, premier printing, signed Oracle decks. Readings are done in Vista…read more about the Oracle deck and the flavor of my readings below all the photos…

One hour individual reading with the Oracle deck

$70-a $20 savings!

One hour reading with the deck and your very own copy of the limited edition Oracle-OH JOY

$148.88-$51.22 savings!!!!!

To see images from the deck go to the web site: or

Facebook “Oracle of Initiation” fan page

Wonderful divining at Bob's Magical Palace with Trevahr, Lori, Danielle and GG

More on the event…

Friday April 2nd 7-9 pm

Workshop at Controversial Bookstore with Melissa Weiss Steele & The Oracle of Initiation divination deck. Location 3063 University Ave, San Diego 619-296-1560. Cost $30.

Explore Melissa Weiss Steele’s visionary new Oracle of Initiation divination deck in this hands-on workshop. Hear the story of how this fascinating deck was created, and learn how to meet your greatest potential in these dynamic and turbulent times while divining with one of the first limited-edition decks. The Oracle offers experienced guidance in navigating the shadowy and shape-shifting landscape of spiritual transformation. It speaks to the paradox of brilliance within the darkness: the sacred illumination available through embracing the treasures within our challenges and complexities.

Sharing our insights

getting clarity

Lori my Juicy Mardi Gras goddess new sista' Love yah girl and appreciate all your love and support!!!

About The Oracle Deck

The Oracle of Initiation offers experienced guidance in navigating the shadowy & shape-shifting landscape of spiritual transformation. The Oracle speaks to the paradox of brilliance within the darkness: the sacred illumination available through embracing the treasures within our challenges and complexities.

The Oracle deck emerged directly from artist Melissa Weiss Steele’s own resurrection after the death of her husband. The profound dissolution, despair, and renewal she experienced lead her to create the ritualistic Painted Body photography series for the deck.

All of the images in The Painted Body series were taken alone, by the artist herself, in the ancient desert landscape of arroyos, canyons, caves, and tunnels surrounding Santa Fe, New Mexico. In her work, the camera is held at arm’s length, making it a literal extension of her body. At the moment of creation, it is both a part of the art, and of the artist as well.

None of the images in The Painted Body series are altered or retouched in any way.

Each image captures the spirit of a ceremonial moment, as if stepping  into a dream; opening us to worlds of myth, magic, and allegory. The compelling intensity of the photographs reawakens ancient senses, enchanting us with a poetic and archetypal power.

Why did I create The Oracle of Initiation?

Through my own personal struggles, including my husband’s death from cancer 8 years ago, I deeply understand both the challenges & gifts available through embracing change. Chris’s death was the turning point when I embarked on a seven-year quest searching for the sources of my true passion & power. Through extensive spiritual exploration, adventure travel, & life-changing artistic processes came the inspiration for The Oracle of Initiation divination deck.


“It didn’t matter that Melissa and I had never met, nor that we were doing a reading for my birthday over the phone.  It was a deeply intuitive and insightful reading that answered my questions, even though I never got them asked, and addressed the issues that have been so troublesome, even though I hadn’t told her about them.  She, and the cards, and I were just so attuned that the reading flowed and danced in just the right way. And in the few weeks since the reading, my energy has been positively bubbling and my spirit has been singing, further confirmation, if I needed more, that this reading was just really right on.  It isn’t that we didn’t identify work for me to do, rather I think that it is because my deep self recognizes that this is the path of coming home to mySelf.  This was a joyful reading.”

Jeanne Raines, Fort Wayne, IN

“Melissa Steele is one of the smartest, most adept, and brightest spiritual counselors I have encountered.  She radiates love, optimism and graciousness. She was able to give me insights about my career path that seemed obvious in retrospect, but were absolutely hidden from me at the time.  Her perspective on my travails helped calm and reassure me that I was traveling the right path.  She’s a sure bet if you’re looking for insight and direction.”

Nancy Desmond, Lynwood, WA

“First off, let me say that I’m probably a bit of a tough customer. I don’t give out kudos easily or often and I go by what works, not by what sounds nice or appears proper.

Going into the reading I was concerned that Melissa’s Oracle of Initiation was based around cards that she had made—and indeed featured her. This proved to be a non-issue as she treats the images as general ones and has completely separated the artistic process of creating the cards from the intuitive process of doing readings. I can’t imagine many people having the skills required to a) create their own deck and b) put them to use so professionally. This allows Melissa to make the most of what is obviously a rare connection with her tools.

To the reading itself—Melissa obviously has a great gift. Without prodding or even much information she honed in on information & areas that were specifically of interest. She also nailed a couple archetypes of mine—by name—without any information or mentions from me. She is very gentle and gracious as a conduit and has a good sense of humor as well. Getting a reading—a good one at least—takes vulnerability and Melissa easily and quickly earned my trust.”

Eben Carlson, Chicago, IL

“I just wanted to Thank You again for my reading. I had been asking Spirit to answer me as to what to do about my romantic relationship. You were able to tune right in and tell me my spiritual calling is tapping on the window of my heart and to trust all will turn out as it should for my highest good. I still remember your sweet smile and kind eyes of compassion knowing what I have been feeling. I checked out your website-seeing the card images gave a face to my Spirit guides who are wanting to communicate with me.”

Diana Delacruz, Houston TX

“From the moment the first card went down I was draw in. Without knowing anything about me, Melissa was able to insightfully interpret the images and themes I was currently experiencing in my life.  Her clarity and compassion offered me direction and understanding on how to better deal with many present situations.”

Adam Frank, Big Sur, CA

“Melissa Dances with Her Oracle of Initiation Cards-Melissa does a dance with these amazing cards, opening her own channels and creating clear communication with her clients.  The cards are a portal into a path of oneness and balance. As a client I was able to expand through the doorway of the images-the light, color, elements and movement within the artwork. Melissa comes through the cards with a high spirituality, modeling true purpose & clarity. Melissa was highly inspired to create these fabulous cards-they are like no other.”

Anariya Rae Olson, Santa Fe, NM

“Having a dialogue with Melissa Weiss Steele’s ‘Oracle of Initiation’ deck has very often felt like having a conversation with an aboriginal tribe member. Through asking some of the deepest questions from my heart, her cards have opened for me doorways of healing, discovery and celebration. Her images are like firecrackers that sound and burst into the mind, creating clarity and awareness that wasn’t there before. Literally the creation of something profound out of nothing. The deck is inspiring, overwhelmingly beautiful and divine in more words than we have to date. It will most definitely be a very influential stepping stone in the awakening of the spirit that’s to come for all.”

Brittany Parise, Santa Fe, NM

After feeling ‘ho-hum’ about most of the decks I’ve worked with in the past; the power and illumination of the Oracle of Initiation blew me away. My connection to the images and supporting words rang like crystal.  I knew immediately that this was the deck with which I needed to ‘work’; though the messages communicated to me are so clear and flowing that I would rather call it ‘play’.

Lyric Kali, Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Melissa Weiss Steele’s new deck, The Oracle of Initiation, brings powerful messages with a surprising amount of ease.  I have been a psychic reader for more than a decade and have never found a divination deck that I could use in my sessions with clients – they’ve always been a distraction more than a useful tool for me.  (I use divination decks for personal use and with friends and too often need to refer to the book to understand messages being offered.)  The Oracle of Initiation speaks directly to my own knowing and deepens my work so beautifully.  It’s such a joy to use.  I also use it for guidance in my writing projects.  Thank you Melissa for such a beautiful and heartfelt deck.  I am transformed!”

Coleen Renee, Ellensburg, WA

March 24, 2010

Showered with Abundance and San Diego’s Joyful Work

Filed under: Oracle of Initiation, Workshops — Mellissae Lucia @ 5:06 am

The Landscape of an Initiatory Journey workshop Monday in San Diego with Trevahr

Wow. I feel unbelievably blessed. I have been truly SHOWERED with abundance and gifts along this pilgrimage to the west coast. I have traveled to Esalen and Big Sur soaking in their luxurious baths above the ocean; I had a powerful reading with Luisah Teish the Orisha Priestess in Oakland; I have danced, and played and explored all up and down the coast; I have visited a jungle garden in Santa Maria; I have communed with the rolling hills in Joshua Tree; I have visited Mona Divas desert dome  and the incredible and inspiring Rhonda the Earth Steward real-estate goddess who has one of the most delicious and magical gardens I have ever encountered; I am staying in the sacred and nourishing  Elder Palms Sanctuary with my Soul Sista and drum maker extraordinaire Lisa Starr,  I have been inspired by more of my Soul Family Ken & Stacey of Go Gratitude in Phoenix; I ate at the Gratitude Cafe in San Francisco;

I received my second Bones reading from Shamanic practitioner, friend and initiated Sangoma Gretchen Crilly McKay; I got to share the project of my heart with my Shamanic dreamer teacher, Valerie Wolf; I have gotten to commune with Gabriel and his magical stone jewelry and Dragon Boxx Drums; I got to experience downtown San Diego and the clubbers after going to Kamala Devis’s delicious Tantra Theater in its new space; I have been so so blessed by beautiful gatherings and connections here in San Diego including a great potluck Sunday night and the telling of the initiatory journey of my Oracle deck last night at Nikki and Neils-Nikki of Yraceburu EarthWisdom family; Today I offered divination readings at Controversial bookstore {LOVE them there-go-good peoples}-with a special shout-out to T there…and special thanks to Jade Mans navigation, support and expansion on the trip.

I am having a LOVE AFFAIR with the Old Skool psychic and palm reader signs. I think I want my own...this is at Controversial Bookstore was ME

Nikki and Neils Classic, amazing, psychedelic gold lamee with birds circa 1968 bathroom wallpaper. they all heard me whoopin and giggling as i too these shots...

Trevahr and Lori divining

LOOK at the Spirit Spot Lisa got behind us...

In the next couple of days I will draft an interesting lesson in abundance beyond cash….but photos for now….love and light…

March 22, 2010

San Diego Oracle of Initiation Events and SPECIAL RATES on Decks and Divination Readings

Filed under: Oracle of Initiation, Workshops — Mellissae Lucia @ 7:53 pm

Hello San Diego, I am so delighted to be here with all of you and the Ocean!!! I am staying with Lisa Starr, the sacred drum maker and sister of my heart at her magical retreat space, Elders Palms Sanctuary.  We had a lovely gathering last night around the bonfire and shared some divinatory experiences with the deck-blessings on all who have supported this journey of offering my sacred work including Jade, Esalen, Trevahr, Lori, Lisa, Gabriel and all the other wonderful new folks I have met. Tonight is the first in a series of events…read more below…


Tonight, Monday, March 22nd and Wednesday  March 24th I am doing two events with Sacred Spiral of San Diego. Tuesday the 23rd from 11am to 6 pm I am offering readings at Controversial bookstore, and Friday evening April 2nd from 7-9 pm I will offer a hands-on workshop at Controversial bookstore as well. See below for more…


I am offering SPECIAL RATES on divination readings and obtaining one of the yummy 88 Limited edition, premier printing, signed Oracle decks…read more about the flavor of my readings below as well…

One hour individual reading with the Oracle deck $70-a $20 savings!

One hour reading with the deck and your very own copy of the limited edition Oracle-OH JOY $148.88-$51.22 savings!!!!!

To see images from the deck go to the web site:

& Facebook “Oracle of Initiation” fan page

More on the events…

Monday March 22nd-7:30PM

The Landscape of an Initiatory Journey with Oracle of Initiation creator Melissa Weiss Steele. The story of the creation of this visionary new divination tool.

Sacred Spiral with Trevahr Hughes through The “Center for Divination, Alchemy, Tarot and  Futuresight” San Diego Meet-up. Cost $25.

4032 Cosmo St. San Diego, CA 92111

Location, maps& times also on the Meet-up:

Tuesday March 23 11-6pm

Divination readings by Melissa with The Oracle deck at Controversial Bookstore 3063 University Ave, San Diego 619-296-1560. Call to make sure you get an appointment. $20 for 15 minutes; $70 for 60 minutes  {YOU can schedule a reading at other times before April 3rd also…206-898-3822}

Wednesday March 24 -7PM

Explore the Wisdom of The Oracle of Initiation  YOURSELF-come play and expand in this hands-on workshop with one of the premier limited edition decks!

Sacred Spiral with Trevahr Hughes and The “Center for Divination, Alchemy, Tarot and  Futuresight” San Diego Meet-up. Cost $25.

Bob’s Magikal Palalce 17934 Aguamiel RD, Rancho Bernardo, CA 92127

Location, maps & times also on the Meet-up:

Friday April 2nd 7-9 pm

Workshop at Controversial Bookstore with Melissa Weiss Steele & The Oracle of Initiation divination deck. Location 3063 University Ave, San Diego 619-296-1560. Cost $30.

Explore Melissa Weiss Steele’s visionary new Oracle of Initiation divination deck in this hands-on workshop. Learn how to meet your greatest potential in these dynamic and turbulent times while divining with one of the first limited-edition decks. The Oracle offers experienced guidance in navigating the shadowy and shape-shifting landscape of spiritual transformation. It speaks to the paradox of brilliance within the darkness: the sacred illumination available through embracing the treasures within our challenges and complexities.

More on Divination readings with The Oracle…



  • Are you struggling to navigate the challenges & transitions in your life?
  • Do you need a visionary perspective on how to meet your soul’s path, passions & gifts?
  • Are you sabotaging your potential with old limiting beliefs & patterns?
  • Do you sense all of this is trying to tell you something-but you aren’t able to grasp what it is?

If you answered yes to any of these questions,

you may be on the verge of something new-

needing valuable insight & direction

on how to embrace it.

Awaken your Brilliance in 2010

Through a divination reading with

The Oracle of Initiation!

In a divination reading we may cover:

  • Reframing the struggles you have experienced, claiming the wisdom and empowerment these sacred lessons are offering you.
  • Learn how to put into practice specific tools, strategies & rituals to deal with the pit-falls, setback, and illusions inherent in any process of transformation.
  • Claim your inner resources of clarity, motivation & resilience; making decisions from this centered & intuitive place.
  • Release constrictions making space to expand into the new potentials that are waiting to emerge.

My readings tend to be both practical and profound, with a playful mix of irreverence and fun mixed in. A majority of the information coming through is about individuals soul paths and callings, and how to meet them; it is really juicy, clarifying and inspiring  perspective to meet the life of your dreams.

Special San Diego Readings and Oracle Deck Pricing

$45 for 30 minutes; $70 for an hour

To schedule an appointment

call Melissa at: 206-898-3822

or e-mail at

Credit card payment available through paypal.

Payment due at time of scheduling.

About The Oracle Deck

The Oracle of Initiation offers experienced guidance in navigating the shadowy & shape-shifting landscape of spiritual transformation. The Oracle speaks to the paradox of brilliance within the darkness: the sacred illumination available through embracing the treasures within our challenges and complexities.

The Oracle deck emerged directly from artist Melissa Weiss Steele’s own resurrection after the death of her husband. The profound dissolution, despair, and renewal she experienced lead her to create the ritualistic Painted Body photography series for the deck.

All of the images in The Painted Body series were taken alone, by the artist herself, in the ancient desert landscape of arroyos, canyons, caves, and tunnels surrounding Santa Fe, New Mexico. In her work, the camera is held at arm’s length, making it a literal extension of her body. At the moment of creation, it is both a part of the art, and of the artist as well.

None of the images in The Painted Body series are altered or retouched in any way.

Each image captures the spirit of a ceremonial moment, as if stepping  into a dream; opening us to worlds of myth, magic, and allegory. The compelling intensity of the photographs reawakens ancient senses, enchanting us with a poetic and archetypal power.

Why did I create The Oracle of Initiation?

Through my own personal struggles, including my husband’s death from cancer 8 years ago, I deeply understand both the challenges & gifts available through embracing change. Chris’s death was the turning point when I embarked on a seven-year quest searching for the sources of my true passion & power. Through extensive spiritual exploration, adventure travel, & life-changing artistic processes came the inspiration for The Oracle of Initiation divination deck.


“It didn’t matter that Melissa and I had never met, nor that we were doing a reading for my birthday over the phone.  It was a deeply intuitive and insightful reading that answered my questions, even though I never got them asked, and addressed the issues that have been so troublesome, even though I hadn’t told her about them.  She, and the cards, and I were just so attuned that the reading flowed and danced in just the right way. And in the few weeks since the reading, my energy has been positively bubbling and my spirit has been singing, further confirmation, if I needed more, that this reading was just really right on.  It isn’t that we didn’t identify work for me to do, rather I think that it is because my deep self recognizes that this is the path of coming home to mySelf.  This was a joyful reading.”

Jeanne Raines, Fort Wayne, IN

“Melissa Steele is one of the smartest, most adept, and brightest spiritual counselors I have encountered.  She radiates love, optimism and graciousness. She was able to give me insights about my career path that seemed obvious in retrospect, but were absolutely hidden from me at the time.  Her perspective on my travails helped calm and reassure me that I was traveling the right path.  She’s a sure bet if you’re looking for insight and direction.”

Nancy Desmond, Lynwood, WA

“First off, let me say that I’m probably a bit of a tough customer. I don’t give out kudos easily or often and I go by what works, not by what sounds nice or appears proper.

Going into the reading I was concerned that Melissa’s Oracle of Initiation was based around cards that she had made—and indeed featured her. This proved to be a non-issue as she treats the images as general ones and has completely separated the artistic process of creating the cards from the intuitive process of doing readings. I can’t imagine many people having the skills required to a) create their own deck and b) put them to use so professionally. This allows Melissa to make the most of what is obviously a rare connection with her tools.

To the reading itself—Melissa obviously has a great gift. Without prodding or even much information she honed in on information & areas that were specifically of interest. She also nailed a couple archetypes of mine—by name—without any information or mentions from me. She is very gentle and gracious as a conduit and has a good sense of humor as well. Getting a reading—a good one at least—takes vulnerability and Melissa easily and quickly earned my trust.”

Eben Carlson, Chicago, IL

“I just wanted to Thank You again for my reading. I had been asking Spirit to answer me as to what to do about my romantic relationship. You were able to tune right in and tell me my spiritual calling is tapping on the window of my heart and to trust all will turn out as it should for my highest good. I still remember your sweet smile and kind eyes of compassion knowing what I have been feeling. I checked out your website-seeing the card images gave a face to my Spirit guides who are wanting to communicate with me.”

Diana Delacruz, Houston TX

“From the moment the first card went down I was draw in. Without knowing anything about me, Melissa was able to insightfully interpret the images and themes I was currently experiencing in my life.  Her clarity and compassion offered me direction and understanding on how to better deal with many present situations.”

Adam Frank, Big Sur, CA

“Melissa Dances with Her Oracle of Initiation Cards-Melissa does a dance with these amazing cards, opening her own channels and creating clear communication with her clients.  The cards are a portal into a path of oneness and balance. As a client I was able to expand through the doorway of the images-the light, color, elements and movement within the artwork. Melissa comes through the cards with a high spirituality, modeling true purpose & clarity. Melissa was highly inspired to create these fabulous cards-they are like no other.”

Anariya Rae Olson, Santa Fe, NM

“Having a dialogue with Melissa Weiss Steele’s ‘Oracle of Initiation’ deck has very often felt like having a conversation with an aboriginal tribe member. Through asking some of the deepest questions from my heart, her cards have opened for me doorways of healing, discovery and celebration. Her images are like firecrackers that sound and burst into the mind, creating clarity and awareness that wasn’t there before. Literally the creation of something profound out of nothing. The deck is inspiring, overwhelmingly beautiful and divine in more words than we have to date. It will most definitely be a very influential stepping stone in the awakening of the spirit that’s to come for all.”

Brittany Parise, Santa Fe, NM

After feeling ‘ho-hum’ about most of the decks I’ve worked with in the past; the power and illumination of the Oracle of Initiation blew me away. My connection to the images and supporting words rang like crystal.  I knew immediately that this was the deck with which I needed to ‘work’; though the messages communicated to me are so clear and flowing that I would rather call it ‘play’.

Lyric Kali, Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Melissa Weiss Steele’s new deck, The Oracle of Initiation, brings powerful messages with a surprising amount of ease.  I have been a psychic reader for more than a decade and have never found a divination deck that I could use in my sessions with clients – they’ve always been a distraction more than a useful tool for me.  (I use divination decks for personal use and with friends and too often need to refer to the book to understand messages being offered.)  The Oracle of Initiation speaks directly to my own knowing and deepens my work so beautifully.  It’s such a joy to use.  I also use it for guidance in my writing projects.  Thank you Melissa for such a beautiful and heartfelt deck.  I am transformed!”

Coleen Renee, Ellensburg, WA

November 24, 2009

Our Temples Illuminated Workshop-Women’s Journeys into Their Sacred Inner-Landscapes

Filed under: Oracle of Initiation, Workshops — Mellissae Lucia @ 5:50 pm

Our Temples Illuminated

Women’s Journeys into Their Sacred Inner-Landscapes

You are invited to deeply engage with

the contours & pathways,

the peaks & valleys

of your own glowing inner-potential

in this inspiring new workshop

by Melissa Weiss Steele

What do you yearn to fill your Temple with?

Is your life missing the juiciness, the passion,

the authentic knowing & clarity

that you sense is deep within you somewhere?

Come reclaim the potent Myth & Mystery of

your true wholeness within a supportive &

like-minded community of women.

Following the 8 archetypal stages of Melissa Weiss Steele’s

original Oracle of Initiation divination deck,

we will explore creativity, divination, ritual, dreaming, visioning

& storytelling as we witness each others transformations.

All Melissa’s Painted Body images from the Oracle of Initiation divination deck shown here are taken alone, on the land-in the arroyos, caves, canyons, and tunnels surrounding Santa Fe.

None of the photographs have been altered or retouched in any way.

Melissa Weiss Steele is an artist and adventurer, having spent the last decade and a half immersed in Norse, African & Native American sacred traditions, cross-cultural divination, indigenous dream-work, and Western and Archetypal psychology.

8 weeks-Beginning Wednesday January 13th to March 3rd, 2010. 6:30 to 9pm in Santa Fe.

$295 all supplies included- if registered by December 15th $240 with a $50 deposit paid

Contact Melissa at or 206-898-3822 to register.

To see more about Melissa’s art & adventures go to:

The Altar-ing of Self

November 15, 2009

Yraceburu EarthWisdom-Family of my heart now in New Mexico

Filed under: New Mexico, Shamanism, Workshops, Yraceburu EarthWisdom — Mellissae Lucia @ 5:01 pm

Lynda Yraceburu

Maria Yraceburu

Coyote New Year yraceburu EarthWisdom

It is snowing here in Santa Fe and my heart is  full from yesterdays Yraceburu EarthWisdom Apache New Year Coyote Fire Ceremony. We burned the sacred objects we had created releasing our intentions, wishes & blessings into the coming year. The event was filled with old friends and family members and new wonderful connections. The next event will be the  Bear Way Dreaming retreat where we will all stay up on the night of the solstice and shamanically dream a new reality together. It sounds extraordinary, and I hope you will join us. Registration ends for that event on November 20th-5 days from now. I look forward to sharing other Community circles, Rites of Passage and Festivals of joy with you.

Kwahu Abeja- Eagle Prayer Honey Bee

Bear Way-Winter Solstice Dreaming Reality Retreat

December 19th to 21st, Near Santa Fe, NM

near Santa Fe $379-all supplies, food and lodging included

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