Melissa Weiss Steele's Blog

January 29, 2010

The Magical and Intriguing Inside-Story of the Emergence of the Limited Edition Version of The Oracle of Initiation Deck

I am awe struck. Boy has this been a wild ride. I wouldn’t want it any other way, and even I am surprised by the twists and turns during the emergence of the limited edition deck of The Oracle of Initiation.

I am a Leo, sun-wise, and I have a lot of fire. I also carry the energies of a Capricorn moon, which wants to plan and retreat. These two energies can be at great odds; Oh, these lovely juxtapositions we all get. I was really resistant to self-printing a version of the deck. I felt totally overwhelmed by the process of graphically setting it up, and my Capricorn could literally think of 500 tangents within the deck that needed to be decided upon. I had been printing prototypes at home for my workshops and individuals to work with, and I was completely DONE with all of the time it took.

The final straw was a reading with and amazing psychic, Coleen Renee. We have been friends for 11 years, and she is a powerful ally in my life. In the reading the Spirits said it would be better if the cards were all one size. The self-cutting I was doing was not exact, and that was energetically distracting to the readers, not allowing them to go as deeply into the process and images as they might. Now, I am also a spiritual counselor and psychic myself, so I know when I hear the truth, I feel the resonance. And this information was completely accurate.

So, for about three weeks I was sitting with how to approach all of this. I will not go into a long explanation, but computers and I are in couples therapy. I am actually pretty good with them, but emotionally our bond can be strained. So undertaking a huge Photoshop/ computer project is not the first thing on my to-do list. Back to the fiery Leo. When I get an idea in my head, I am like a Mack truck. Get out of the way if you don’t want to be mowed over. For some reason, On Tuesday, January 21st I got a bee in my bonnet to make the deck. {you astrologers-was that a move-ahead day?}

Now, in comes our savior, Mary Beth. Mary Beth has been a cherished ally on my path of emergence. She is a gifted artist, designer, and very wise in her own perspectives. For the last 4 years we have created all of my websites together. She and I have an amazing synergy where her artistic and design skills seem to merge perfectly with my visions. And she carries the computer skills and patience that I am cultivating. We have had a blast making 4 websites together. I knew I could not make the limited edition deck without her help. So I called my fearless ally to see if I was totally insane to do this. At the very same moment I was calling her an e-mail came through from the online printer I wanted to use {Overnight Prints-they do blacks much better than Vista-important for art}. All postcards 50% off. That was it. It was ON. Thanks Adam for the postcard suggestion in the first place-you have been a blessed carrier and ally for the deck.

Here’s the rub, we had only 13 days {cool number} to completely design and create the decks. I guess it’s a good thing I have the busy-bee Mack truck parts of my personality, because that is quite a timeline for a 66 card deck, when I am a neophyte at Photoshop.

Mary Beth and I began feverishly working, planning the colors, structure and feel of the deck. She spent 5 hours Saturday teaching me how to set up the card template, do layers, and move the images and words into the card format. This much concentrated time in front of a computer has only happened a handful of times. My energy system is much more resonant with the earth energies, and at this point the electromagnetic fields of computers carry a different tone. I must have prayed really well because I believe a lid was opened in my crown Chakra and I was able to receive and retain the Photoshop knowledge. I point this out because in specific situations we may be able to accomplish things we never dreamed possible.

Mary Beth and my collaborative relationship is really extraordinary. I mentioned a very simple concept for the logo using two “Os” connected with an “I” from the initials of the deck, and she immediately got a vision of the incredible graphic she came up with.

This same thing just happened yesterday with the Gateway cards.

Lets talk about the Gateway cards for a moment. The deck has 66 cards. There are 8 overall sections-a pathway of spiritual transformation. Within each section is 8 cards, and then at the beginning and end of the overall sequence are a zero and infinity card =66. The 8 Gateway cards are like the Major Arcana within the traditional Tarot system. When you pull a Gateway card, you are dealing with a core life issue. This is a pivotal piece in your vision quest in this lifetime. Within the structure of the deck the Gateway cards are the threshold into each level of the deck. We have the Gateways of Innocence; Exploration; Initiation; Discernment; Alliance; Balance; Offering and Unity. Each of those sections offers the readers a different perspective on how to meet the challenges and gifts within that stage of initiatory transformation. They are a roadmap, a compass to the complex and shape-shifting landscape of spiritual expansion.

So, since I chose to be the carrier for this deck, I too got to go on an initiatory journey of awakening. The deck has been training me since the beginning in how to receive, listen, surrender, trust and follow. I have gotten to deal with my own ideas about timelines and ways the deck will emerge. Guess what, I AM NOT IN CONTROL. Such a beautiful cosmic joke, to tell a recovering perfectionist, German, Capricorn that she is not the master of her Universe. Oh joy, the shattering of constrictions and expectations.

All along, the deck has emerged at its own pace, in its own manner. My strongest creative language is the visual. You could blindfold me with my hands tied behind my back and I could make some cool visual thing. I grew up in a family of artists. They are all obsessed with beauty and design and aesthetics. They trained every cell in my body to be in resonance with my creative imagination. So recognizing this, the deck makes me wait two years after it began to reveal the artwork. The entire structure, words, and system were all in place for about a year before the creative medium was available. I believe I had to move to the Southwest to allow the energies of the artwork to channel through me, but still, my visual self was confounded by the wait. And it did not seem “real” until I could show people images. More blessed lessons on patience.

Back to the Gateway cards. The deck is channeled. I do Spirit Writing, where I get out of the way and let the muses of the deck flow through. There are 5 notebooks FULL of information about the deck. That is a lot of information. Some of the symbols and ideas in the deck are still revealing their multidimensionality to me. The Gateway cards have been the strongest hold-out in that area. There are some different categories within them that I will humbly say I am still waiting to integrate into the larger picture of the deck. I also knew they were not to be The Painted Body Spirit Beings who occupy the other 56 cards in the deck. So, I have waited, and waited for the inspiration for the Gateway cards. I have explored a lot of abstract photography to see if its right, and nothing has clicked. Mary Beth and I are in the homestretch of designing the cards, and I needed to know what to do about these 8 pivotal threshold cards.

Yesterday morning I got a little snarly and impatient about it. I do call myself a recovering perfectionist, but I also have my standards. I know excellence, and this project means so much to me I would like to do the best I can. I want the Gateway cards to carry their own weight with the startling power of The Painted Body images. I spoke to Mary Beth on the phone, telling her about the suggestions the incredible women in the Illuminating our Temples workshop I am leading offered the night before. Out of the input from them, Mary Beth’s thoughts, and my own intuitive channels I got an epiphany about how I might design the symbols for the Gateway cards. I have a laser-sharp sense of how I want things designed. I know if I want it crisp and bright, or moody and indistinct. Out of this clarity for the symbols within the Gateway cards came the remembrance of some inspirations from my Norse heritage.

Lets talk about cultural influence for a moment. I may get really wu-wu on yah here- hang in there with me. My entire life I have been powerfully drawn to certain cultures beyond my German and Scandinavian lineages. Powerfully may not even be the right word, unexplainably, irrationally so. As my Spiritual cosmology expanded, I came to the understand that those draws were past-life influences. I don’t talk about this very openly because I am acutely aware of the devastation and shattering many indigenous people have experienced in this Western world. And, I cannot deny the visitations, synchronicities and passion for certain traditions beyond my cellular heritage in this lifetime. The strongest magnetism has been to African and African-American culture. I feel really vulnerable writing this, and it is part of who I am. It is time to stop being afraid, and live on deeper levels.

I am not blind to the privileges that have come with this pale skin. This is a very tricky thing to carry, this being between cultures in Spirit. As the Hopi prophesies have said, their Ancestors would return in the bodies of their oppressors. Well, here we are folks. It is time for the Rainbow Warriors to come together openly and lovingly to heal the injustices and inequalities our imbalanced world has created. I am standing up, willing to meet my own prejudices and judgments created out of a world that has a profound soul sickness of disconnection and discrimination; the perceived isolation from eachother and our own divinity. I stand up to meet my own fears and insecurities, with an open heart to create a new paradigm. Walk with me. And as the Oracle deck is concerned, I do not want to deny the potent influence of my African Ancestors. Many of the main guides for the deck are African, and a large percentage of the dreams about the deck have Africans in them. I am coming out of the closet about this, I am calling on my courage to carry this dual-citizenship that has challenged me my entire life. Part of my path as a messenger is to own and say the harder things that most people will not reveal. I am truth carrier, and it is not always an easy job.

Back to the Scandinavians. Part of my own Spiritual journey has been to reclaim the indigenous tradition within the heritage I was put in. The Heathen, Asatru, Pagan, Celtic, and Sami traditions all carry a remembrance of their native European sacred roots. Discovering the Norwegian/ Sami/ Lapp shamanic tradition was a big deal for me. I knew if I was to respectfully navigate the other cultural beliefs, I needed to be grounded in the ones of this lifetimes DNA. The Sami people are a rugged and hearty group, living in the far north with the reindeer, bear, and foxes as strong animal totems. Their Medicine people created incredible drums with diagrams of the others worlds painted on their skins. The image are magnetic. I fell in love with them the first time I saw them. They have little magical dwellings, animals, gods, goddesses and humans on them. Their fundamental power and style lodged in my psyche.

So, yesterday morning, I was inspired to turn to my Norse sacred ancestry for ideas. I googled Sami drum symbolism, and revisited the ones I had typically seen, and discovered some new versions. I feverishly started drawing rough little symbols and glyphs for the different categories within the Gateway cards. I was thrilled, it was exactly what I wanted. Exactly. I sent some of the images to Mary Beth, and she was able to bounce off of my inspirations to bring forth some really cool designs.

Here’s the kicker. And because I am a story-teller, I will have to tell you the tale before this one to prepare you… When I began The Painted Body photography series for the deck, I did not realize it would become the artwork for the cards. I was on a journey of self-discovery through a primal connection with the land through self-portraiture. After the first Painted Body shoot, June 27th 2008, in a graffiti tunnel here in Santa Fe, I asked my Spirits if these might be the images for the deck. I had been pondering and experimenting with how I would accomplish the dreams and visions they had sent about animals and humans shape-shifting and morphing. When I asked if this was the artwork for the deck, there was a vast, cosmic “lack of response.” Not a yes, not a no, a huge, fertile, void. Well, I said to them, if you want to be coy, two can play at that. I then said to them, I have been so blown away by this Painted Body process, that I will continue to do it with out expectations of the outcome, other than the unbridled joy and satisfaction I receive. I now realize they didn’t want me to try to control the outcome, they just wanted the process to unfold in its own way. And honestly, most of my work is getting “me” out of the way so I can be a good conduit. I am not bad at it these days, but boy has it been a lot of work.

I did The Painted Body process for two and a half months, 10 photo shoots, until the truth was revealed. It was the Fall Equinox 2008, and I was sitting in my casita going over some old notes about the deck when I found an entry from 9 months before… As I read the words about wanting the imagery to be moody and evocative, with complex muted backgrounds, as if Spirits were emerging from the cave walls-I was stunned. {I am stunned a lot by this magic carpet ride of life}. I KNEW I had finally found the artwork for the deck.

Well, the same thing happened last night. I was looking through that same powerful notebook and came upon an entry from almost EXACTLY two years ago that suggested the enchanting Sami houses from their drums could be a great inspiration for the Gateway cards. Jaw dropped, because I had forgotten this.

Over, and over again I am reminded that if we pay attention, much of our passions and inspirations are truly our destiny. We have EVERTHING inside of us to accomplish our Souls Missions-we just have to figure out how to access it. And here’s my plug for initiation, it helps to open us up to new ways of seeing things so we can become the people who can carry our sacred gifts. We are truly divinely guided, and there is a piece of the puzzle we each have to carry.

Now I must leave you, I am back to finishing this limited edition of The Oracle of Initiation, a blessed and transformative journey. I shall present the offering of 88 decks soon…with special pricing for 8 days. The 8 ties into the infinity sign, a central part of the multidimensionality of the deck, and the flight pattern of one of the muses, the pollinating, communal, traveling between the worlds, honey filled bees.

Blessed bee. Aho. Thanks be to God. Kiss the Angles and Dance with The Faeries. Great Honor to my Ancestors, in their Rainbow representations. And great love and gratitude to Mary Beth.

I just went to send this to my printer over e-mail, I had 880 messages.. 🙂

January 21, 2010

Limited Edition of The Oracle Initiation DECK-Coming SOON

Filed under: Oracle of Initiation, Painted Body Series — Mellissae Lucia @ 5:39 pm

Come join me in the Mystery & Magic-

Experience your own Oracle of Initiation deck!!!!!!

This life-changing project overtook me almost 4 years ago.

Read the earlier blog post about the day I knew I was called to create the deck …

The levels of initiation that I have experienced throughout the journey into the deck have truly blown my mind. The amount of deep satisfaction, unbridled joy, and humbling sacrifices that have accompanied this odyssey have completely changed me.

This deck truly has a destiny of its own. I am the carrier, blessedly and graciously, and it is ALIVE.

so… I am going into the technological cave, with my brilliant co-creator Mary Beth to print up 100 decks. Only two-thirds of those will be available; part of the motivation for doing this is to have a more cohesive version to teach with. In March I am heading off to the West Coast to lead some workshops and offer the ritualistic Painted Body processes to others.

The cards will be 4×6-large and lovely; the artwork will hit you like a tidal force at this size. The images are very potent, and when beautifully printed, with glorious rounded corners and an amazing graphic on the back by Mary Beth, this will truly be a joy to divine, dream and vision with.

It is not totally finished. I am completing the written portion, so this is a way for the images and energy of the deck to begin circulating more widely as it weaves into  its fullness. Part of what I have had to learn throughout all of this is that I am the channel, and it will reveal its aspects when and how it wishes.

I had to wait two years after the entire structure and words were down-loaded for the artwork to come through. And interestingly enough, in one of the five notebooks full of information about the deck, I had written exactly what the images looked like {with help from many dreams} nine months before it emerged-without knowing how to do that process at the time, and not having the right equipment!!

Boy has this taught me about the predestined fate of our creations.

This is going to be a pretty fast, they should be ready by mid February.  I will send out a special offer with a reading and/or a sumptuous archival pigment  print of certain Painted Body images from the deck.  These prints looks like watercolors they are so saturated;  you may want to lick them they are so delicious. A divination reading is a really powerful entry into the deck and how it can be used and approached.

I am signing off for now, giving profound gratitude, love and joy to all of the horses; bees; eagles; hawks; ravens; vultures; owls; snakes;  Elementals;  Ascended, Ancestral &  Angelic beings;  and The Land Spirits who have guided me through this journey of awakening-with a special nod to the Spirits & Ancestors of  New Mexico who have danced with me through the arroyos, caves, canyons and tunnels to create this incredible deck.

I also want to thank all of those who have blessed the process with their delight,  inspiration and support as it emerges. That’s YOU I am thanking.

I have been kissed by the creation Angels and can’t wait to see how I can continue to serve this sacred gift.

into the cave….

January 15, 2010

Take YOUR POWER BACK and Illuminate your 2010 with an Oracle of Initiation reading

Filed under: Divination, Oracle of Initiation, Painted Body Series — Mellissae Lucia @ 8:46 pm



Illuminate Your 2010 with a

New Year

“Awakening your Brilliance”

divination reading with The Oracle of Initiation deck

  • Are you struggling to navigate the challenges & transitions in your life?
  • Do you need a visionary perspective on how to meet your life’s passions & gifts?
  • Are you concerned about sabotaging your potential with old limiting patterns?
  • Have you questioned some of the relationships you are magnetizing, wondering how you can draw towards you what you truly desire?
  • Do you sense that everything that is happening is trying to tell you something-but you aren’t able to grasp what it is?

If you answered yes to any of these questions,

you may be on the verge of something new-

needing valuable insight & direction

on how to embrace it.

The Oracle of Initiation divination deck is a powerful new transformational tool created by Melissa Weiss Steele. The deck guides modern-day seekers through the complex and shape-shifting landscape of spiritual awakening. The Oracle of Initiation speaks to the paradox of brilliance within the darkness; the illumination available through consciously integrating the sacred gifts contained within our challenges and shadows.

Its a NEW MOON Today-

Invest in the dynamic new energies emerging this year to

become your brilliance in 2010

Special $70 for an hour reading-

Special offer good through the end of February-Then I am off

to teach with the deck on the West Coast!!

To schedule an appointment:

e-mail Melissa at

Credit card payments available through paypal.

Readings are by phone or in person in Santa Fe, NM

In a divination reading we may cover:

  • Reframing the struggles you have experienced, claiming the wisdom and empowerment these sacred lessons are offering you.
  • Learning how to put into practice specific tools, strategies & rituals to deal with the pit-falls, setback, and illusions inherent in any process of transformation.
  • Releasing old constrictions to make the space to expand into the new projects and potentials that are waiting to emerge.
  • How to use your inner resources of clarity, motivation & resilience-making decisions from this centered & intuitive place.

My readings tend to be both practical and profound, with a playful combination of irreverence and fun mixed in. A great reading is ultimately about guidance, compassion and assurance. I believe we each actually know when we encounter the truth about what we need to shift-we just sometimes need direction and wisdom from an experience traveler.

Why did I create The Oracle of Initiation?

Through my own personal struggles, including my husband’s death from cancer, I deeply understand both the challenges and gifts available through embracing change. Chris’s death was the turning point when I decided to finally deal with the deep fears I had experienced for years.

I embarked on a seven-year quest searching for the sources of my true passion and power. Through extensive spiritual exploration, adventure travel, and life-changing artistic processes came the inspiration for The Oracle of Initiation divination deck.

Experiencing first-hand the incredible positive changes in my own life through consciously allowing transformation, I created the deck to support others as they discover their own self-authority, and unique brilliance.

More information and images

The largest selection of Painted Body images from the deck

can be seen  on Facebook. You can also see a fascinating collection of the

influences and inspirations for the deck. You do not have to be a Facebook member to go see this….

Divination Reading & Spiritual Counseling Testimonials

“Melissa Steele is one of the smartest, most adept, and brightest spiritual counselors I have encountered.  She radiates love, optimism and graciousness.  She was able to give me insights about my career path that seemed obvious in retrospect, but were absolutely hidden from me at the time.  Her perspective on my travails helped calm and reassure me that I was traveling the right path.  She’s a sure bet if you’re looking for insight and direction.”

Nancy Desmond, Lynwood, WA Spiritual Counseling client

First off, let me say that I’m probably a bit of a tough customer. I don’t give out kudos easily or often and I go by what works, not by what sounds nice or appears proper.

Going into the reading I was concerned that Melissa’s Oracle of Initiation was based around cards that she had made—and indeed featured her. This proved to be a non-issue as she treats the images as general ones and has completely separated the artistic process of creating the cards from the intuitive process of doing readings. I can’t imagine many people having the skills required to a) create their own deck and b) put them to use so professionally. This allows Melissa to make the most of what is obviously a rare connection with her tools.

To the reading itself—Melissa obviously has a great gift. Without prodding or even much information she honed in on information & areas that were specifically of interest. She also nailed a couple archetypes of mine—by name—without any information or mentions from me. She is very gentle and gracious as a conduit and has a good sense of humor as well. Getting a reading—a good one at least—takes vulnerability and Melissa easily and quickly earned my trust.”

Eben Carlson, Chicago, IL Divination Reading

“From the moment the first card went down I was draw in. Without knowing anything about me, Melissa was able to insightfully interpret the images and themes I was currently experiencing in my life.  Her clarity and compassion offered me direction and understanding on how to better deal with many present situations.”

Adam Frank, Big Sur, CA Divination Reading

“It didn’t matter that Melissa and I had never met, nor that we were doing a reading for my birthday over the phone.  It was a deeply intuitive and insightful reading that answered my questions, even though I never got them asked, and addressed the issues that have been so troublesome, even though I hadn’t told her about them.  She, and the cards, and I were just so attuned that the reading flowed and danced in just the right way.  And in the few weeks since the reading, my energy has been positively bubbling and my spirit has been singing, further confirmation, if I needed more, that this reading was just really right on.  It isn’t that we didn’t identify work for me to do, rather I think that it is because my deep self recognizes that this is the path of coming home to mySelf.  This was a joyful reading.”

Jeanne Raines, Fort Wayne, IN Divination Reading

“I just wanted to Thank You again for my reading-I had been asking Spirit to answer me as to what to do about my romantic relationship. You were able to tune right in and tell me my spiritual calling is tapping on the window of my heart and to trust all will turn out as it should for my highest good. I still remember your sweet smile and kind eyes of compassion knowing what I have been feeling. I checked out your website-seeing the card images gave a face to my Spirit guides who are wanting to communicate with me.”

Diana Delacruz, Houston, TX Divination Reading

“Melissa Dances with Her Oracle of Initiation Cards- Melissa does a dance with these amazing cards, opening her own channels and creating clear communication with her clients.  The cards are a portal into a path of oneness and balance. As a client I was able to expand through the doorway of the images-the light, color, elements and movement within the artwork. Melissa comes through the cards with a high spirituality, modeling true purpose and clarity. Melissa was highly inspired to create these fabulous cards-they are like no other.”

Anariya Rae Olson, Santa Fe, NM Divination Reading

Top rated 2009 Blog Posts on Creativity, Passion and Spiritual Transformation:

Dancing Your Illumination in 2010:

Reclaiming the Erotic:

The Mystery of Ecstatic Union:

January 3, 2010

Hawk Maiden-NEW Painted Body Images from 1-1-2010

This was an amazing adventure on the first day of double digits. I got more fear initiation by dealing with icy roads, I was greeted by three ravens, and graciously escorted out by two ravens and three hawks directly over head. I tramped through snow, and took some of these shots. After the image making I looked into the sky and saw these intense con-trails, that were bisecting each other. I have a Blog post about the crossroads on my mind, and was enchanted by these visions, even with the chemical consideration. Then more arrived, all crossing each other. The X’s make me think of the Rune Gebo, Gifts with an inherent responsibility. As I watched the third round of threshold crossings I noticed that I could see the trail of the downward jet’s emissions before the jet reached that spot. Basically, I saw the pathway before the physical plane actually intersected the physical plane; stunning. So, life is completely glorious, and so cool, and I have the best life EVER. Thanks Spirits. xoxx Kwahu Abeja

Spiritual Perfectionism-Letting Each Other Off the Hook

Filed under: Goddess, Melissa Weiss Steele, Spirituality — Mellissae Lucia @ 9:26 am

“Perfectionism is the belief that life is broken.” Rachel Remen, Kitchen Table Wisdom

I am a recovering perfectionist. The Rachel Remen quote above hit me like a ton of bricks when I read it years ago. Perfectionism was the subtle and insidious perspective I was basing my life story on. I was trying to be safe and good enough; making life into the pretty and manageable picture that I hoped would heal and satisfy my soul. I did not know how to listen to my internal sense of self, so perfectionism was my un-integrated psyche’s attempt at creating beauty and significance. The world can appear chaotic and uncontrollable; perfectionism is an attempt to mitigate potential suffering by trying to create an unreachable state of order. It really is a misguided attempt for security, approval, and thus love. Many of us have learned that we needed to please and achieve in order to deserve love, but as Rachel Remen says, “love is never earned. It is a grace we give one another. Anything we need to earn is only approval.”

Perfectionism can also believe a single person is responsible for getting things done right; what a lot of pressure and stress this is, and it’s not sustainable. And what is right anyway? As Byron Katie says, there is “my business,” “other’s business,” and then “Gods business.” So, we are actually only responsible for one third of the equation, but looking through the lens of perfectionism we might suggest the responsibility is creeping into the 80th to 90th percentile. Perfectionism is trying to manage The Universe. Good luck.

Perfectionism can also be an attempt to deny the many facets of our wholeness. It is a rejection of the power available in claiming the depths of our less civilized or controllable passion and motivations. We are actually all animalistic at our core, and when we deny this with social correctness and externalized standards, we loose our wild and free potentials.

In the classic story of releasing control and security, Inanna, the Sumerian Queen of Heaven, descended to the domain of her sister, Ereshkigal, the Goddess of Death and the Underworld. As Inanna moved through the seven gateways  into the Nether World, she released all her external adornments of earthly authority to meet the raw, transformative power of the dark; naked and vulnerable. Her initiation in this powerful land continued as she viscerally experienced death through being returned to a corpse, and hung from a hook in her sister’s chambers. When we deny each other our fullness, our depth, and our complexity, we hang each other on a hook. We draw the life-force out of each other by rejecting the fiercer aspects of our love, power, passion and creativity. Perfectionism abhors messiness and the loss of control. It does not want to acknowledge death and disempowerment as part of the equation, that’s too scary and unmanageable; it wants to control life and creation. It is time to let each other off the hook, to hold space and make containers for a balanced and sustainable way to touch those core energies; to integrate our light and our dark.

Jody Levy, a dynamic dancing bard in Seattle calls her version of Spiritual Perfectionism the “Spiritual Tyrant.” That is so accurate, this idea that we “should” be Mother Theresa, Jesus, Quan Yin, and Gandhi all rolled into one while denying our shadow aspects. I also call it the Saint Complex; we are to be kind, and wise, and patient at every turn, and if we project anger or impatience we have fallen off the spiritual wagon, and we need to get back into recovery.

Perfectionism cuts off our natural intuitive radar, it has such an agenda that it does not allow space for magic and miracles; for being taken care of in unexpected ways; and the delight of unanticipated opportunities. We know how it “should” be, so we are unable to see new potentials.

Perfectionism also has a very Yang and masculine aspect to it. It is force over allowing; determination and will over acceptance and openness. Now I am not saying that the dynamic Yang energies do not have their place, but perfectionism amplifies and uses these energies from a place of scarcity, not clarity and wholeness. And I am not speaking of “men” here; I am speaking of the focused, outward, make-it-happen motivations that are in divine opposition to the Yin’s feminine receiving and flowing. We have become a culture of Yang force attempting to “make” the world into the visions of what we desire from a limited and immature perspective. Moving into an expanded outlook we need to be able to meet what wants to emerge as well as carry those visions into material form.

The pathways I have traveled to releasing my perfectionism have been a multi-layered process. It needs to be approached in mind, body, and spirit. It is claiming your uniqueness, and learning how to source yourself from that place; it is approaching life as a never-ending series of lessons and gifts, without polarizing the “good” and the “bad”; it is forgiving that sweet little one inside of you that was really just reaching for love and acceptance; it is recalling a deep trust in your own, and The Universes rhythms, cycles, and evolution; it is reclaiming a profound sense of interconnectedness and unity with all that is.

The Japanese have a beautiful theory called Wabi Sabi. It is the philosophy of impermanence and imperfection. When a Zen master sweeps the sand garden into perfect symmetry, he will drop a single leaf onto it, allowing the beauty of irregularity and imbalance to shine through. Certain Native American weavers also leave a hole in any pieces they create, an imperfection; and the place where Spirit enters. These are soulful and deep ways to live, to be with the incompleteness and transience of this corporeal existence.

So, its time to let each other off the hook. I am calling all of us, myself included, to soul search about how we offer our work into the world and what standards we project onto our teachers, leaders and fellow spiritual travelers. If we are operating from a place of Spiritual Perfectionism, we expect that both we, and the people we “look up to” will have reached some level of elevation and near flawlessness. This ties into the message that spiritual development has a plateau-once reached its all golden. This may not be in your immediate consciousness, these assumptions are often unrecognized, but none the less, are potent beliefs systems many of us are operating from. When we go to see our cherished guides and visionaries, we have a trunk-load full of projections and expectations about what we want them to be.

Carolyn Myss has been a really important teacher for me. When Anatomy of the Spirit came out in the mid 90’s it changed my life. I saw her speak many times, and I still have great respect for her wisdom and perspective. At one of her workshops I connected with her soundman, and he offered to introduce me to her. I declined because I intuitively knew I still carried some projections and elevated ideas about her power and worth as compared to mine. I did not want to schmutz her with my own insecurities and search for my inner sense of value. In Carla McLaren’s Energetic Boundaries CD’s she also speaks of this unconscious draw people bring to those whose work and experiences they admire. On some level a lot of people really want a guru; they want someone to tell them how it is so they don’t have to go through the hard work themselves. And it is hard work to unpack all of our erroneous illusions about ourselves.

In Bill Plotkins brilliant new treatise, Nature and the Human Soul; Cultivating Wholeness in a Fragmented World, he speaks to the arrested development of our modern world. He calls it the “patho-adolescent” society where the urges and weaknesses of a single stage of development have become the overriding norm. We are operating at a limited capacity in our contemporary culture because most of our leaders have not actually moved into a more mature sense of self and their place in the world. Plotkin’s eight-stage “wheel of life” offers the guide posts and pathways to stepping into a grounded sense of elderhood and responsibility.

Bringing this back to perfectionism, we have so few examples of mature and developed  humans that the few who have reached that place can receive strong reactions to their presence and power. Plotkin warns of some of the pitfalls of the “Artisan in the Wild Orchard”

“Another danger for Artisans is the archetypal projection…this minefield is even more hazardous in an egocentric {adolescent} society. Due to the relative scarcity of genuine adults and elders, there are few people embodying the archetype of those {mature}stages. Consequently, the initiated adults and elders end up holding those archetypal energies for many more people than in a soulcentric society. Many of {the earlier developmental stages} will have a profound reaction to the energies you embody…Some will greatly admire you. Others will scorn and ridicule you because of their fear of those same energies within their own psyche or the envy of your ability to embody them, or both. Some of the people will become furious or disillusioned when you exhibit ordinary human frailties such as anger, doubt, moodiness, carelessness, favoritism, or indecision. ..And you will. In our patho-adolescent society, there is a tendency to want to sabotage or exalt anyone who’s crossed beyond the adolescent life and reality. This is one of the means by which an egocentric society keeps itself stuck-by undermining those who manage to mature.” {I liberally edited this from Plotkin’s Nature and the Human Soul; Cultivating Wholeness in a Fragmented World, pages 376-377}

So, I am asking all of us to know those places where we feel insecure and undeveloped, and to neither put our other messengers on a pedestal, nor tear them down for their humanness. It can be intimidating to go out into the world with your heart and soul on your sleeve through offering your divine work. It takes a lot of courage to be transparent and vulnerable saying, “yes, I too have struggled, and have my issues, and I also carry a brilliance and power that WILL be a piece of shifting us all into the new paradigm. And we need your piece of unique brilliance as well.” Can we please hold each other in love and tenderness as we each step into a place where there is enough room for all of us to shine, and perfection is seen in wholeness; light and dark; wisdom and frailty. It is all beautiful. Life is not broken; we are constantly shape-shifting and morphing as we emerge into the new reality of cooperation, trust, and enough.

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