Melissa Weiss Steele's Blog

December 31, 2009

Dancing YOUR Illumination in 2010

Make prayers with the earth & the elements & your body; our expansion is directly tied to how strongly we are able to earth ourselves.

Sweat your prayers; adorn your prayers; chant your prayers; engrave your prayers; whisper your prayers; giggle your prayers; embody your prayers.

Reclaim the magic of the unseen; live what you KNOW,  not what you think.

Be kind.

Remember we are the Web Dreamers; we are truly creating a new paradigm, stepping into our collective wholeness/holiness.

Search out what makes you glow & ache & open & surrender & expand & love. Choose to be awake.

Listen to the subtle voices- they carry great wisdom & power.

Beauty is alive.


This incarnation is a divine gift. What will you illuminate your temple with this coming year?

Relax & slow down; there is always enough time.

We have come home. Our Spiritual Families are revealing themselves; let yourself be held & seen by your sacred tribe-what ever zip code they may be in.

We have enough, we are enough-for B.


Allow your visions and insights their incubation process. They will naturally  emerge into the brightness of their unique destiny.

Who are you when you are unbounded by past stories, illusions and misconceptions?

May the gaze of The Beloved pierce your outworn shells of resistance and melt them into a grand river of expansive potential.

You are your greatest masterpiece; Sanctify yourself.

Great blessings &  joy & delight &  passion & courage in 2010. May we walk the sacred path of awakening together.

love and light, Kwahu Abeja

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Facebook: Oracle of Initiation

December 25, 2009

Holy Ground

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mellissae Lucia @ 5:59 am

Holy Ground by Veronica Koperski

I shall seek no longer for the burning bush;

All bushes are ablaze.

And I will not hasten to depart from daily grief and gladness to climb a holy mountain;

Every Mountain now is sacred,

Each marketplace, and ever home, All, all are blessed

Since God has pitched a tent among us.

Now on our earth are to be found the footprints of the Word made flesh

Who walked with us in wind and rain and under sun and stars,

In joy and sorrow,

Born of Mary, watched over by Joseph,

Eating and drinking, living and loving.

Dying yet living, the Word is made flesh

And all the earth, and each of us is holy ground

Where we must slip our sandal off and walk softly, filled with wonder.

May we all see ourselves as holy ground, and slip our sandals off- filled with wonder. Blessed Be, Aho. love and light in this enchanted season,

Kwahu Abeja

December 19, 2009

Dream Time Visions for a New Reality Solstice Ceremony

I am off now to go into ceremony with thirteen other pilgrims to vision a new reality for the world we can co-create with the wisdom of The Spirits and Ancestors. Bright solstice blessings to you all- illumination abounds. xoxx Kwahu Abeja Hawk Maiden

December 15, 2009

Shrouded and Celebratory-NEW IMAGES Today

Yes, I am a brave soul. The temperature was in the mid 30’s here in the city of Holy Faith, and I went into a tunnel and danced around; Life is good. It is almost The Solstice, a sacred time, a time of transition, a time of awakening. The winter calls forth a natural hibernation instinct-a time to dream; a drawing in of resources and energies to regenerate for the spring. This photo shoot today spoke to both the reverential shrouding and grateful exuberance of the cyclical process of the light returning. The images reflect the timeless journey of silence and contemplation, emerging into the profound joy and gratitude of re-enlightenment. It is the dark & the light; the  solitude and the wild expansion, the monochromatic and Technicolor thrill of life.

December 8, 2009

The Search for Lost Beauty

Filed under: Altars, Beauty, Early Childhood Education, Spirituality — Mellissae Lucia @ 3:27 am

“This wanting, this drive to consume, is really a drive that we assert for the lost beauty. Beauty is so complete that it is outside of the reach of human language. You just have to be in it.  There is something in being {infinite} that tells me about the absolute humility inside beauty, once you have become one with it. This is what makes this particular lifetime worthwhile, the pursuit of it, and the willingness to die searching or serving it.”

Malidome Patrice Some

This is so true, and so vast, and so deep. Beauty is intangible, and yet we know it when we experience it; it elevates us; it has an energy signature. It can be cross-cultural, as well as specific to a certain locations and periods. It has a vibration, resonating differently within each of us, but, as a devotee of inner and outer beauty Jeanne Releyea says, “Beauty is a Feeling.”

Beauty is like tenderness, it can undo you. It can be so transformative, overwhelming, and heartbreaking that it can bring us to tears. Some people weep during certain pieces of music, in front of artworks, or spending a moment gazing into their children’s eyes. If we have been severely broken or shattered, we may not have the capacity to actually hold the vibration. We may react against it, or turn away, not able to meet this awesome force. As with the genuine erotic, which is a form of beauty because it comes from a core of authentic truth, our culture has neglected this essential human need for living in beauty.

Not everyone has lost this way of living. I remember when I was immersed in Early Childhood Education I read an incredible book on children’s spaces. One of the environments they discussed was a classroom of a Reggio Emilia preschool in Italy. The Reggio Emilia programs are extraordinary. I could totally get on my shoe box here about the primal need children have for freedom and empowerment through  creatively shaping their environments without adult dominance. The Reggio Emilia method allows the children to communally brainstorm and then produce elaborate projects around a chosen theme. The level of collaboration and vision these Italian kids are working at could serve many of our adult institutions worldwide. But we will leave that passion for another post.

The image in the book was of a Reggio Emilia hallway in a sunny, art-filled compound with a beautifully displayed collection of stones. The way these objects were placed, you knew this school was a temple; and everything, and everyone, and every process was a sacred ritual, and an altar. Everyone was allowed to shine. They were operating out of their divinity. We are talking about being in beauty here. Living it.

The other piece of this book that was extraordinary was the sense of play and perspective the author had. To me exuberance, awe, and delight are all pathways into beauty. The author suggested when designing children’s classrooms to get on your hands and knees and crawl around to understand the experience small children would have in the space. This is brilliant. This is about stepping out of our habitual ways of interacting and getting a new view; referencing from a new angle; unsettling our preconceived notions to let new inspirations in. We need to “get out of the way” and open to wonder. Wonder is a natural reaction to beauty, and wonder is transcendent.

I ultimately believe beauty is the merging of the heavens and the Earth . It is transcendent, and that is why it touches us so deeply. It may come through a physical manifestation, a stone, a beetle, a captured image; or it may touch us through heartfelt words, a dedication to a cause, a fierceness of spirit in the face of adversity. We can become beauty through reclaiming that unique brilliance we each carry, a signature which calls to be expressed. When we courageously open to our light, we open the channels to our divinity, as Malidome says , we become infinite.

“Beauty is a form of genius-is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation.” Oscar Wilde

I do this in my own work. I essentially get on my knees to meet the earth, the darkness, tunnels, the stonewalls from an altar-ed perspective. Being on our knees is also the humility that naturally flows out of truly being in touch with transcendent experiences. I step out of my every day get-it-done mode and open to the wonder and the magic. The beauty is there. It will meet you. You just have to come play-where are you going to get on your knees today?

Opening quote From:

Orion Magazine, Summer 1998

“To Help us be Human”

an interview with Malidoma Patrice Some by  Melissa Nelson

December 4, 2009

The 3rd incarnation of The Oracle of Initiation-NEW images

29 Resonance Oracle of Initiation divination deck by melissa Weiss Steele

This is so exciting. These are some of the recent  retrievals from my catalog of 30,000 Painted Body photographs that are the images within my original divination deck, The Oracle of Initiation.

It is so incredible to see a project evolve, and three and a half years into it get some fresh perspective. When reading about the process of creating the Fearies Oracle deck by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth, Jessica said the Feary Spirit images were so playful and elusive that they were changing their positions within the deck up until the publishing deadline. I sense my deck has some of that energy too, so I do the best I can with what I’ve  got.

Happy day and magic to you all from freezing Santa Fe, a low of 2 degrees tonight. keep that wood stove burning-and let the french fries make my belly warm.  M

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