Melissa Weiss Steele's Blog

Buy The Oracle Deck

The first edition of 88 Limited Edition Oracle of Initiation decks are sold out. The second edition of 112 is now available.

Own this visionary new divination deck through ordering one of the 112 signed copies available. Now you too can access the ritualistic power and elemental wisdom available through this dynamic new divinatory tool.

What you will receive when you order a deck:

66 big, beautiful 4”x 6” heavy-weight cards, the entire sequence within the 8 realms of the deck. The Painted Body photographs within the deck look incredible in this size and format; offering a deep and rich engagement with the transformative power of the artwork.  The cards also have a glossy-finish and rounded corners to easily shuffle and lay them out in spreads. All 66 luscious cards come in a golden velvet bag.

The deck’s 400 page book is now completed,  and the Oracle is complete six years after its inception.

So, tell me how I can get one of these amazing decks and book….

Go to and go to the “Store” tab. Just the deck and book is $152.00.

But wait, there’s more…

I am also offering an incredible deal on either a 60 minute reading with the deck, or a fine-art archival pigment print of one of 14 images from the deck for just $251! Shipping & taxes included in the US. International orders additional shipping costs.

The reading is a wonderful introduction to the energies and process of the Oracle directly from the creator. Scroll below to read more about a reading with the deck…

The fine-art pigment prints are absolutely delicious. They are sumptuous with incredible color saturation, like watercolors paintings.  These prints are really glorious. The image size is 8” x 10” open-edition size. {Larger print limited edition sizes available-information upon request}

Go to the oracle website to see the 14 fine art print images available: 

And if you want to be a Supa’ Star…

And for those of you who are just thrilled about experiencing all of this amazing art and divinatory play, you can get all three, a 60 minute personal reading with the deck, a fine-art pigment print and a deck and book for $323.

Go to today

to secure one of these extraordinary opportunities to own this

revolutionary new divinatory tool

If you have any questions, please e-mail at:

I also want to offer profound gratitude for all of the Guardians, Spirits and Ancestors who have guided and inspired this project. I want to give a special shout out to the horses, bees, ravens & eagles, and the Spirits of the land here in New Mexico who danced the wild freedom dance with me. And last, but not least Mary Beth-my lovingly patient Photoshop and design guru in Seattle {LOVE the Gateway cards sista’} & John Cavanagh here in Santa Fe for the fantastic Oracle of Initiation web site. Their support was invaluable. Love yah.

About the deck

The Oracle of Initiation offers experienced guidance through the shadowy & shape-shifting landscape of spiritual transformation. The deck is a portal; a passageway between dimensions, a visionary map through the thresholds and experiences that initiate us into embodying our divine essence. The Oracle also speaks to the paradox of brilliance within the darkness: the sacred illumination available through embracing the treasures within our challenges and complexities.

About the ritualistic Painted Body images

All of The Painted Body images within the deck were taken alone, by the artist herself, in the ancient desert landscape of arroyos, canyons, caves, and tunnels surrounding Santa Fe, New Mexico. In her work, the camera is held at arm’s length, making it a literal extension of her body. At the moment of creation it is both a part of the art and of the artist as well. None of the photographs in The Painted Body series are altered or retouched in any way.

The compelling intensity of The Oracle of Initiation’s images speak directly to the intuitive and instinctive, no longer requiring a vast understanding of a complex array of symbols and definitions. The startling intensity of the dream-like photographs questions our preconceived ideas about identity and reality; awakening a sense of each of our shape-shifting and expansive potentials. The images also reclaim access to the ancient indigenous knowing we each carry within our cellular memory of being guided by otherworldly Spirits, Ancestors, Gods and Goddesses.

About the Creator

The Oracle of Initiation deck emerged directly from artist Mellissae Lucia’s own resurrection after the death of her husband ten years ago. The profound dissolution, despair, and renewal she experienced led her to create the ritualistic Painted Body photography series for the deck.

Mellissae is an artist and adventurer; she has spent over two decades immersed in Norse, African & Native American sacred traditions, cross-cultural divination, indigenous dream-work, and Western and Archetypal psychology.  Her extensive background in transformational education, holistic & intuitive healing, and ritualistic creative processes has molded her into an authentic new voice leading us through our massive cultural and energetic shifts.

She leads workshops on creativity and transformation including The Chakras Through Art; Your Sacred Allies; The Art of Change: A Women’s Retreat with Horses; and Our Temples Illuminated: Women’s Journeys into their Sacred Inner Landscapes.

Mellissae offers divination readings with her Oracle deck on the phone or in person, Spiritual Initiation counseling, writes about spiritual awakening & sells fine art prints of her images. She lives in Seattle, WA.

Become a Fan on Facebook: “Oracle of Initiation”

Mary K. Greer & Mellissae Lucia

Oracle of Initiation Deck Fans

“While the tarot is often described as the soul’s journey, the Oracle of Initiation, on the other hand, offers a journey of the Spirit. The images are haunting, spellbinding, intoxicating, instinctual. When working with them, you enter the immediacy of a timeless Now. Although solitary musings, they resonate with all our relations. Although seemingly personal, they touch both the ancient and universal in each of us. They are an eloquent reminder that the earth is Spirit-embodied and we are one with it. Highly recommended as a spiritual companion and tool for your own journey.”

Mary K. Greer, author of 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card.

“I’m very impressed by the photos of your Oracle, I was struck by the resemblance of one or two of the backgrounds to Uluru, Ayers Rock, in Australia. Great work, Melissa. Congratulations.”

Rachel Pollack, creator of The Shining Tribe Tarot;

“Beautiful and provocative work”

James Wanless, creator of Voyager Tarot

“Having a dialogue with Melissa Weiss Steele’s Oracle of Initiation deck has very often felt like having a conversation with an aboriginal tribe member. Through asking some of the deepest questions from my heart, her cards have opened for me doorways of healing, discovery and celebration. The deck is inspiring, overwhelmingly beautiful and divine in more words than we have to date. It will most definitely be a very influential stepping stone in the awakening of the spirit that’s to come for all.”

Brittany Parise, Santa Fe NM

“After feeling ‘ho-hum’ about most of the decks I’ve worked with in the past; the power and illumination of the Oracle of Initiation blew me away.  My connection to the images and supporting words rang like crystal.  I knew immediately that this was the deck with which I needed to ‘work’; though the messages communicated to me are so clear and flowing that I would rather call it ‘play’.

Lyric Kali, Santa Fe NM

“Your self portraits have always been amazing, and the Oracle of Initiation portraits are astoundingly beautiful and powerful. I am AWESTRUCK by your work. When do the cards come out?  I cannot wait to get my hands on them!”

Jen Eramith, Seattle, WA

“Melissa Weiss Steele’s new deck, The Oracle of Initiation, brings powerful messages with a surprising amount of ease.  I have been a psychic reader for more than a decade and have never found a divination deck that I could use in my sessions with clients – they’ve always been a distraction more than a useful tool for me.  (I use divination decks for personal use and with friends and too often need to refer to the book to understand messages being offered.)  The Oracle of Initiation speaks directly to my own knowing and deepens my work so beautifully. It’s such a joy to use.  I also use it for guidance in my writing projects.  Thank you Melissa for such a beautiful and heartfelt deck.  I am transformed!”

Coleen Renee, Ellensburg, WA

Divination Readings with The Oracle of Initiation Deck



  • Are you struggling to navigate the challenges & transitions in your life?
  • Do you need a visionary perspective on how to meet your soul’s gifts?
  • Are you sabotaging your potential with old limiting beliefs & patterns?
  • Do you sense all of this is trying to tell you something-but you aren’t able to grasp what it is?

If you answered yes to any of these questions,

you are on the verge of something new-

needing valuable insight & direction

on how to embrace your unique offerings

for the collective.

In an Oracle of Initiation divination reading we may cover:

  • Reframing the struggles you have experienced, claiming the wisdom and empowerment these sacred lessons are offering you.
  • Learn how to put into practice specific tools, strategies & rituals to deal with the pit-falls, setback, and illusions inherent in any process of transformation.
  • Release limiting entrenched patterns & family lineage coding making space to expand into the new potentials that are waiting to emerge.
  • Claim your inner resources of clarity, motivation & resilience; making decisions from this centered & intuitive place.

My readings tend to be both practical and profound, with a playful mix of irreverence and fun mixed in. A majority of the information coming through is about your soul paths and callings, and how to meet them; The Oracle of Initiation offers a really juicy, clarifying and inspiring perspective to meet the life of your dreams.

You may choose a single session to address a specific challenge or situation, or schedule a series of 3-6 sessions to uncovering and address the core issues you are currently facing to step into your power and brilliance. I also offer ongoing Spiritual Initiation Counseling….

My own profound experiences with the power of resurrection after the death of my husband has offered me great insights and tools to support others in their own initiatory journeys of awakening through Spiritual Initiation Counseling. This level of work offers you the support, wisdom and intuitive guidance of one who knows the terrain of empowered transformation well. If you show up and meet your initiatory opportunities, it has the potential to move mountains in every aspect of your life. This work requires an ongoing commitment and traditionally weekly appointments over a number of months. If you are really ready to meet your own fierce potential, and do the work, this will offer you the precious guidance to move from breakdown to breakthrough.

  • Half an hour-one main question $75
  • Forty-five minutes-two to three main question $100
  • One Hour-a broader view of your current situations, initiatory challenges and opportunities $125

Special Offer: Three Hour Package $300 {$75 Savings}

Payment through paypal when reading is scheduled.

e-mail Mellissae to schedule:

Divination Reading & Spiritual Initiation Counseling Testimonials

“Thank you for our power-filled Oracle of Initiation session yesterday!  Diving deep into the ancient lineage programs is proving cathartic and transformative … the shifts being seen and felt in a big way beginning last night.  Thank you, Dear One, for the beauty, wisdom and brutal compassion you offer and Live.”

Stacey Robyn, Tempe AZ,

“It didn’t matter that Mellissae and I had never met, nor that we were doing a reading for my birthday over the phone.  It was a deeply intuitive and insightful reading that answered my questions, even though I never got them asked, and addressed the issues that have been so troublesome, even though I hadn’t told her about them.  She, and the cards, and I were just so attuned that the reading flowed and danced in just the right way.  And in the few weeks since the reading, my energy has been positively bubbling and my spirit has been singing, further confirmation, if I needed more, that this reading was just really right on.  It isn’t that we didn’t identify work for me to do, rather I think that it is because my deep self recognizes that this is the path of coming home to mySelf.  This was a joyful reading.”

Jeanne Raines Fort Wayne, IN

“The reading with Mellissae moved so much energy and clarified so much that I could hardly be still! And so I started seeking more clients in my private practice, said no to the things that were not working, created space and the clients came!

I believe that everyone who is open to change, curious or lost should experience at least one reading with Mellissae in their lifetime! Her connection to spirit and the other side is strong! These skills made the experience incredibly personal for me knowing that ‘she’ wasn’t dispensing advice, but merely conveying messages from my guides, who’ve been trying to get my attention!! Her accuracy is exquisite and surprising, but a comfort at the same time!”

Lisa Scott-Wilkie San Diego, CA

“Mellissae and I met for literally for 2 seconds at Esalen. I remember of her a bright light and luminescent being, with no clue of what she looked like afterwards because our encounter was so brief. At that time I was very far from being in contact consciously with any spiritual awareness. At Esalen Mellissae had business cards: I took one….

And that’s when my Life changed.

I called Mellissae for a reading, and from that day on we have not stopped our conversations that enlightens my awareness of a world of magic that I had no knowledge of. With her support, her clear-sightedness, her loving sweetness, I cleared So much of my lineage’s blockages. I reconnected with my own energy and Power. I discovered the world of my Spirits, The Fairies, a reality that she, step by step, helped me to trust and embrace. Mellissae has been a teacher, a fairy, a guide, and a friend that I wish everyone to be as fortunate as I am to have. THANK YOU MELISSA!!!!”

IVP  Paris, France   Spiritual Initiation Coaching

“Mellissae has an important gift to share with the world, so listen up and get ready to be blown away! The story of her personal journey of transformation holds important clues on how to listen when Spirit speaks, and successfully navigate life’s ups and downs. As you listen, you will find yourself re-membering your own connections—to Spirit, to the land, to your body and your embodiment of the divine, your creative expression, your sense of adventure. You will be called to embark upon your own journey through the rabbit hole, surrendering to your inner guidance that knows the way, bound to discover the secrets of life, your life. Only get a reading from her if you dare. Once the transformation begins, there’s no going backwards.”

Jennifer Masters, Shamanic Priestess  San Diego, CA

“First off, let me say that I’m probably a bit of a tough customer. I don’t give out kudos easily or often and I go by what works, not by what sounds nice or appears proper.

Going into the reading I was concerned that Mellissae’s Oracle of Initiation was based around cards that she had made—and indeed featured her. This proved to be a non-issue as she treats the images as general ones and has completely separated the artistic process of creating the cards from the intuitive process of doing readings. I can’t imagine many people having the skills required to a) create their own deck and b) put them to use so professionally. This allows Mellissae to make the most of what is obviously a rare connection with her tools.

To the reading itself—Mellissae obviously has a great gift. Without prodding or even much information she honed in on information & areas that were specifically of interest. She also nailed a couple archetypes of mine—by name—without any information or mentions from me. She is very gentle and gracious as a conduit and has a good sense of humor as well. Getting a reading—a good one at least—takes vulnerability and Mellissae easily and quickly earned my trust.”

Eben Carlson Chicago, IL

“ Mellissae Lucia {Melissa Weiss Steele} is one of the smartest, most adept, and brightest Spiritual counselors  I have encountered. She radiates love, optimism and graciousness. She was able to give me insights about my career path that seemed obvious in retrospect, but were absolutely hidden from me at the time. Her perspective on my travails helped calm and reassure me that I was traveling the right path. She’s a sure bet if you are looking for insight and direction.”

Nancy Desmond, Lynwood, WA

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