Melissa Weiss Steele's Blog

February 14, 2017

Look What is Going to Paris (Graffiti Joy) 

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mellissae Lucia @ 5:34 pm

It is Valentine’s Day. I think it’s one of the most contrived and annoying holidays that exists. And it causes so much heartbreak for people because it sets up this expectation of the cult of the couple and then if you are single clearly you are undesirable and a total failure. So I am counterbalancing that here with all of our bad ass-ness in whatever ways those come through. And in that celebration of our unique super powers I want to share the love with the other creative people in my world. One of my dearest friends since we’ve been 15 years old in the grunge scene in Seattle has become my favorite collaborator for doing the wheat pasting graffiti. She and I had the time of our lives last Thanksgiving up in Niland on the Salton Sea pasting up some of the digital collages we have done. Last Saturday when I was driving back San Diego from a monumental time meeting new graffiti artist friends at Slab City and capturing a break dancer flipping in front of Salvation Mountain I called this beloved friend Angelala and told her about all of the adventures. During this conversation she suggested something that was so wonderful that I’m still tingling from it. She is blessed to be embarking on an adventure to Iceland and Paris this week and she suggested that she take some of the graffiti collages that I’ve created in sticker form and blow up Paris (visually). This is a dream come true and if I had the resources right now I’d be in Paris myself. So this goes back to love and commitment and connection and value because a lot of times that actually comes from our friends and our Family and the other people who inspire us and so let’s shake our groove thangs for all of the love that we have beyond the cult of the couple. And I cannot wait to see photos of the stickers in the city that I originally fell in love with graffiti in. And stay tuned for a new online class launching very soon teaching you how to do your own amazing and fun digital collages! Oh GOODY. 

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