Melissa Weiss Steele's Blog

April 28, 2010

Whimsy as an Art Form; She spun a web on my leg

Filed under: Melissa Weiss Steele, New Mexico, Oracle of Initiation — Mellissae Lucia @ 12:10 pm

Whimsy is a highly evolved art form, and a vital characteristic in illuminating your true joy. Let me tell you a story..or two.

When I was living in rural West Texas at Madera Hills Horse Ranch I had an extraordinary experience.  I had been transplanted from the lush Northwest to the wilds of the Texan plains. This is a land where a descent sized ranch is 75 to 100 THOUSAND acres. This is a land where havelenas, big horned sheep from Africa, and Saguaro cactus rule the landscape. You will find scorpions in your mixing bowls and hear frogs emerge from the mud after the rain. The grasshoppers are super-sized, and there is a vibrant calm and a quiet I have only also experienced in New Mexico. At night it has the most spectacular starry ceiling you have ever seen.

I was living there with the mythical Kate Vigneron, a Louisiana native who became a Parisian wife and then moved  to her own ranch in this untamed landscape. She took on horse training in her 5th decade, and was one of the toughest, most straightforward and loving people I have ever met; you always knew where you stood with Kate. She had a grand Piano in this home in the middle of nowhere. She felt like the heroines in those epic novels about Africa or Australia; her land feels like  Africa. She and I had been drawn together through the horse spirits and were teaching women’s retreats with her herd.

Madera Hills Ranch and the River Bed below

One evening, during my favorite activity on this sacred land, I was out walking at dusk. The weather was perfect. It was still in the low 80’s, and a t-shirt and jeans were perfect. I was exploring the dry riverbed scattered with sherbert colored rocks; pinks, seafoam greens, lilacs, and every form of yellow, orange and brown you could imagine. It was divine. Water only surged through this wide pathway after torrential rains. I had never seen that.

As I leaped from rock to rock, I was totally blissed out. This land spoke to my soul in a way few places have. It was so vast and foreign and alive. I was vibrating with a quiet peace and contentment. At one point I had the sense to turn around and look to where I had come from. Who happened to be looking back at me, but a little red fox. She seemed to be sizing me up, “who is this creature in my territory, and is it a playmate?” As I stood in awe, she came closer, and closer and closer. When she got about ten feet from me, I said in unspoken language, “you are totally incredible, and I mean no disrespect, but I am new to these lands and do not know all of its ways. I am not sure if it is safe to be this close to you, so can you give me a little more space.” At that moment she leapt up the side of the embankment and disappeared into the brush.

And then she returned…and for quite a long time we played our own version of follow and pursue, each of us leading at different times. She would run ahead, waiting for me, and then I would dash up, watching her leap forward. She led me back to one of the few trees in this land, and sprang up onto one of the limbs rocking up and down gleefully. A bird in the top of he tree paid her no attention, this was obviously a common occurrence. When you enter this liminal space, time becomes elusive. I have no idea how long we played, 20 minutes, and hour?? It doesn’t matter, I was welcomed into her magical world. Maria Yraceburu says when the animals open up to us like that, we are in great harmony; they trust us. I wonder if I shape-shifted into her kin; I am a Lioness.

We had gone down the arroyo at least a hundred feet, and then we went back up where we began. At certain points she would disappear into the networks of tunnels within the thick underbrush of cats claw and  chaparral. She would always reappear, and I wished I was compact enough to follow her there. At one point she disappeared for a longer time, and I assumed our game was over. I sat down on a big rock  in awe, savoring the profound gifts of being invited into her world. As I sat, she came back out to where I could see here in a little clearing. She sat down, and began to groom herself. This level of trust is incredible. I watched as she  licked her paws and stroke them over her ears, tending to her sleek little body. Then she stood up, whipped her big bushy tail around dramatically, tucked her nose in and curled up into a ball TO SLEEP. I am eight feet away. There are no words for this sense of wonder. No words.

This is what we ALL have access to when we open to whimsy and find our places of bliss. She allowed me in because I was so happy that I was glowing. She knew my heart, my intention, my clarity, my joy.

In my divination readings with my Oracle of Initiation deck a consistent theme coming through for clients is to deeply honor and engage in your whimsy. Be textural and tactile with the world in a very kinesthetic and sensual way. Wriggle your toes in the mud; dash through the ocean waves; stroke the nubby stone wall; actually stop and SMELL the roses.  Act like a child, or a dog, or a fox and find glee and delight in this precious and magical world we live in. Become alive and enlivened, awakened through really feeling all that is around you. Live in the creativity and vision by actually meeting what is around you. My sense with this direction from the Oracle  is that a central pathway to reclaiming our inner-passion and expansion is to ground ourselves more profoundly in our earthly existence. To be naive and innocent as a child, to have the Beginners Mind and see everything as a great blessing.

To live this way takes dedication. Most of us have lives where we are responsible to others and our own physical survival. We have children and rent and partners and jobs. We can all get caught up in our “to-do” lists and forget to recognize the wind caressing our faces.

Today, on a whimsical walk with my beloved Azul, I was reminded of how precious and enchanting life can be when we slow down and let go. Azul and I were at our favorite stomping founds, a lush arroyo with a large quarry at one end. With the snow melt here in Santa Fe, the consistently dry landscape was filled with water. All of the acequias were flowing and the open fields had become lush marshes.

As I sat along one of the nourishing waterways with my toes in the mud I noticed a little friend on my leg. A small spider was on by lower calf. I watched as she raised her bulbous torso up and down, wondering what she was up to. Then she climbed up towards my knee and did this movement again. As I watched closely  the sun glinted off her abdomen and I saw the golden thread of a web. She was making a web on my leg! She continued this for a good deal of time as I threw the stick for my canine companion. She would go around the back of my leg, anchoring, and then drop down dangling in the wind, making more of her woven structure.

She came to me because I was calm, I was content, I was in my whimsy and awe. I was resonating the beauty of joy, we were in harmony. This is that sort of experiences I guarantee you the Universe will meet you with if you allow yourself to slow down and allow the magic. Who knows where this all might lead…and the true gift is in the awe and delight of a whimsical life. Blessed be to Grandmother Spider who graced me with her presence today, may you be graced with your own signs and guardians and delights today. xoxxx M

April 27, 2010

Reader’s Studio Tarot Conference IN NYC

Filed under: Divination, Melissa Weiss Steele, Tarot — Mellissae Lucia @ 4:33 pm

Wow, what an incredible journey. I am still unpacking all of the blessings and gifts, and will just offer photos now…

To the Met for viewings of ancient Tarot decks with Joanna Powell Colbert of the glorious Gaian Tarot, Marily Shannon of Crystal Ball gazing and the Tarot Maven Mary K. Greer

Teressean & Martien of the Fabulous 5th Tarot

my wonderful roomies Gavin & Aaron

Robert M. Place's amazing Sun card rep reproduction from the 1441 Marseilles Tarot deck we saw part of at the Met


Morwena the Rune Goddess!!!!

Jordan of the Mystereum Tarot-cool Tattos

Aaron the Artisan who makes incredible hand-tooled leather Tarot cases

Coventry Candles beauty

April 21, 2010

Gaian Tarot and NYC Reader’s Studio Tarot Conference

Hello lovelies!!! I am in NYC, on of my ALL TIME FAVORITE PLACES.

I fell in love with this land when I was 16 and I took the bus from DC where a huge Romare Bearden {Harlem Renaissance genius collage artist} was having a retrospective of his work up to the blockbuster Matisse show at MOMA.

It was dusk, and I looked over at the Manhattan skyline from the greyhound bus and had a visceral feeling of the power and magic of this incredible city; I fell in love. I have been back many times, and as I become more expansive energetically it takes more cleansing and intention to be with the hectic energy…and  I still walk around with a huge grin on my face loving the entire experience. It’s like the circus on acid. So many styles, cultures, languages…wow, a reason to be alive. I spent a glorious day with my dear friend Sonya Lea who did a pilgrimage to India this January, and she said NYC is calm in comparison. wow.

I am here for the 10th annual Reader’s Studio Tarot Conference organized by Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone 400 Tarot enthusiast spend a long weekend together divining, sharing and expanding. I can’t wait to meet all my new playmates. One of the people I have been waiting years to meet, Joanna Powell Colbert, the creator of the Gaian Tarot, will be here! Oh joy. She reviewed an early prototype of my Oracle of Initiation deck, and I want to show her the limited edition deck.

In the last session of my “Our Temples Illuminated-Women’s Journeys into their Sacred Inner Landscapes” workshop we used Joanna’s just published Limited Edition Gaian Tarot Deck with The Oracle of Initiation.  It was a juicy addition to our Oracle deck reading. If you are inspired, you could go buy both our decks and play!! More dispatches from NYC soon, I am off to the  Met Museum today to see ancient Tarot decks in their cloistered back rooms….blessings until next time, M

April 9, 2010

Being Seen, Met, and Held

Filed under: Melissa Weiss Steele, Pilgrimage, Spirituality, Women Artists, Women Photographers — Mellissae Lucia @ 1:31 pm

This has been a fascinating life-time for many of us. Many of you  reading this will recognize the feelings of isolation, not truly belonging, and a deep yearning for authentic family that has challenged us for years. Many of us have also carried a deep, deep knowing that we came to the earth-plane to accomplish things. Most of us have spent our lives searching for this sacred work we know we contracted to do. We are currently in a massive process of personal, cultural and planetary awakening; we are re-illuminating our divinity. We are coming home, bridging between the earth and Spirit realms. We are becoming Spirit being in human form. Moving out of the 4th world of Soul Sickness and duality, and expanding into the 5th world of peace, harmony and connection. One of the words for this is the ascension process, the reclaiming of our birthright as  True One’s. A channel, Solara, {} wrote an enlightening map to 2010 and stepping into our power. Her website is vast, and I did not find the exact article I read on  First & Second Waves and Bridges in 2010 from the Starorchid newsletter, {a wonderful mix of metaphysical/Spiritual/ awakening/ascension information} , so I made a note on Facebook with the entire article. If you are not on Facebook, comment that you would like the article and I will e-mail it to you.

Solara’s article speaks of the different eras that  people have chosen to incarnate into bringing in these cosmic shifts we are experiencing. The First Wave is the early metaphysical folks who had a rough road. There were less of us awake, and the energies they were swimming against were much denser and more challenging. The Second Wave is the younger folks who came down to really usher in the new paradigm, but have been on hold because their contracts have not been opened yet. The Bridge folks, {I believe I am one}, are here as a link between the First Wave and The Second Wave. The Bridges understand both groups, and are to pass the sceptres, the torches of knowledge, from the First to Second Waves.

The article also speaks of stepping into being “True Ones.” Making the leap and living NOW as if we are divine, enlightened, awakened, BEING the new paradigm.

This is an interesting thought, to Just Do It. I know personally that I have been in a training and calibrating process for most of my life, with a consciousness about it for nearly 20 years. I have never felt anything like this year. It is expansive, fast, and the potentials feels truly tangible. I see myself and others stepping into our power and knowing in ways that were unavailable before. I am witnessing dreams and projects coming into being that have been in process for years. I personally feel an internal optimism and trust that I have been praying for for years.

Lets talk about miracles. One of the sisters of my heart, Janet Lightstone, is an incredibly gifted psychic and channel {} . She trains folks in their own intuitive and psychic skills, channels White Eagle and John The Divine {Her book on John’s life has  just been published. I  can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.  I have been told it feels like you are inside his experience}, offers starseed activations, and has a terrific radio show. When I was in San Diego we were discussing offering our sacred work and being supported in it. One of the kernels of wisdom St. John the Divine shared with her was about Miracles. Heres the deal. In order to receive a miracle, WE MUST MAKE A LEAP OF FAITH. That leap of faith can look like many thing. Investing in a project or a goal wholeheartedly, facing our fears and stepping into a new role or responsibility, choosing to open-up and be vulnerable, finding your inner fierceness and creativity beyond your fears of judgment and criticism. This is what Solara’s article is talking about, leaping off the cliff before we are guaranteed the net below. The net is there, but we must free-fall and trust that they GOT US.

I just did this myself. The net was there. My Capricorn Moon was delighted. Thank you Universe. And thanks to my courage for making the leap.

Being seen, met and held is what I have been searching for my entire life. For many of us we truly were plopped down in family systems where we were NOT to belong to so we could find our own pathways. I know for myself that if my family of origin relationships had been more sustainable I never would have become the person I am now. I would never have left the nest, never  have ventured out and found my own passion, creativity and courage beyond the tribal consciousness. I would have stayed within the cultural expectations to feel safe and belong.

So here many of us are now, having been trained and initiated for years for our Souls Callings. As one friend said, he feels like he has been training for the Olympics for decades, and he wonders when he actually gets to play. 2010 is the year to step into our True selves. The psychic, astrologer, and Tarot expert  Beatrex Quntanna {} has said that if you have been showing up, doing your work and creating the structures for your dreams, 2010 is your Disney Land year. The world is your oyster. It really will start to come together; opportunities, synchroncities, alliances and potentials will truly begin to land.

I am experiencing this.

My leaps of faith in the last year have been coming out of a seven-year cocoon where I was alone 90% of the time, facing my life-long fears about being “seen” and accepted, and dedicating myself to my career with no Plan B.

On a more practical level I took the bull by the horns and self-published my Oracle of Initiation divination deck. I also scheduled a lecturing and teaching tour as an Oracle throughout the California coast. I have been doing this work for many years; teaching, traveling, divining, visioning, creating. I have never felt the grounding and expansion of my work  like I did this trip.

On this tour I was truly seen. The tribe is showing up, the True Tribe, my Spiritual Family, the kin I have always been waiting for. I was seen for my heart, my intention, my complexity, my dedication, my delight, my fierceness. I was met with others excitement, joy, emergence, openings, and willingness to step into their brilliance. I was held by The Universe; all of the abundance, support and joy that flowed through the trip. I was given earth-plane guardians and guides to help navigate the terrain. I received the resources, locations and opportunities to really shine. I was held by beautiful and heart-centered people who were thrilled to meet my sacred work. I was tested and trained to remain in the trust and Knowing. I give profound blessings for all you beings of love and light who have helped illuminate my pathway, and I look forward to dancing into our magical new world together, seen, met and HELD.

April 1, 2010

Tribal Transformations in Joshua Tree-Couples Painted Body Ritualistic Photography

What an incredible journey this has been. The last month in California has yielded more connections, joys, abundance, satisfaction and fulfillment than I can express with words. This maiden voyage with my Oracle of Initiation deck has shown me a depth of community making  that I have anticipated for years. Some of us feel the winds of change long before they are to arrive on the earth-plane. This has been true for me, and I have made myself a little crazy at times wanting visions to land long before they were truly ready to manifest. 2010 is the year for many of us to actually step into our embodied power in a visible and potent way.

If you have read this blog before, you know my work is about reclaiming our unique inner brilliance. In my journey into self, I was taken through an incredible process of spiritual awakening after the death of my husband 8 years ago. Part of that transformational process was discovering my Painted Body ritualistic photography on the land. The Painted Body series completely transformed my relationship to trust, surrender, faith, guidance, co-creation and magic.

I became the earth again, I danced in the ancient ways, I became other and revealed the multi-dimensionality of who we all truly are. There is something that happens when you follow your instincts, humbly open to the process, and step into an altar-ed state of engagement. And it is an engagement, with the earth, the spirits, your senses, your physicality; the realms between the worlds; your multifaceted self;  your sensuality, power and passion; your fear, resistance and anxiety; your faith, curiosity and resilience. You are revealed and tested, exposed and expanded when you offer yourself up to the unknown.

I am a steward, a guide, an ally on this path of sacred surrender and emergence. I have apprenticed to the surrender myself, and now I step into offering it to those called to this level of work. Not everyone will be drawn to this process, but for those of you who are, this may be one of the things you have always been waiting for. That was true for me. The level of intensity mixed with Holy Play fed my inner ritualist in ways nothing else has.

Until 3 days ago, I had only experienced the Painted Body process with another  once. {This process is never done alone, you just may not see the participants with your earthy eyes}. You may see photos from that first collaborative shoot with Trevahr here:

Now, nearly a year later, I have been blessed with creative consorts once again. Lisa Starr is a sister of my heart. We became family on the Yraceburu EarthWisdom Hopi Pilgrimage 4 years ago in Arizona. She is a sacred drum maker, ceremonialist, and powerful carrier of fire mixed with water. She has created a beautiful and sacred retreat center in Vista {San Diego}, California called Elder Palms Sanctuary. She hosts spiritual,creative and transformational events, and you can learn more about offering your next event at her space on Facebook  under its name and at:

Her partner Gabriel is a magic man, a musician, a powerful sacred adornment creator, a Dragon Boxx drum maker, and a visionary. They carry a love, respect and partnership that many of us are still seeking. We have wanted to collaborate in this way for nearly a year, and Joshua Tree called us this week.  I am honored and awed to witness their own powerful process. Blessed bee and profound gratitude for work I love…and contact me if you would like to know more about participating in this process yourself or with your partner.

"Opening" Oracle of Initiation divination Deck by Melissa Weiss Steele

Also..I have another event here in San Diego if you would like to hear more about the creation of my Oracle of Initiation divination deck and play with a premier printing of the limited edition deck. It is tomorrow night, April 2nd, at Controversial Bookstore 7-9 pm. $30.00 You may also purchase one of the 88 limited edition decks at my web site:

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